TS Inc. is a small, growing aviation company; the CEO makes the hiring decisions based on his years of experience as well as his gut feeling. He started the business 10 years ago with 10 employees and the company has grown to over 30 employees.

Since you have been hired, you have guided management through several stages of the recruitment and selection process to hire an aircraft maintenance engineer. TS Inc. has used proper selection methods, such as screening, testing, and structured interviews, but is not sure about how to integrate the data from these various sources. In the past, the president relied on his gut feeling about applicants and made poor hiring decisions.

At TS Inc. recruitment rests on the shoulders of the president. Like most small companies, TS Inc. frequently uses employee referrals as a method of recruitment. The company wants to use Internet recruitment technologies but is not well versed in information technology. The CEO is very concerned about poor hiring decisions and turnover costs.

1. The CEO has asked you, the HRM, to explain some of the differences between the use of his practice-based selection approach and an empirical-based process. Also explain what challenges you anticipate he would face in using validation techniques. (6 marks)

2. Define and describe one potential decision-making model TS Inc. could use. Explain the decision-making model and discuss its advantages and disadvantages. (7 marks)

3. Explain TS Inc.’s president’s decision-making style and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this method of decision making. (4 marks)

4. TS Inc. has made costly selection errors in the past when the company underestimated the potential of an aircraft maintenance engineer, which resulted in a no-hire decision. Explain this type of selection error and discuss the potential impact of such an error and why TS Inc. should be concerned. (4 marks)

5. What would be some effective e-recruitment method for recruiting aircraft maintenance engineers? (4 marks)

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