Review the Trauma Case Study for Maryam. Write a 750-1,000-word essay answering the following questions. Your number one goal is to make sure she is safe.
Provide appropriate support for your answers by citing the DSM.
1. What are the key assessment issues to consider?
2. Do you think this is a crisis situation? Why or why not? Explain.
3. What is the client’s immediate need? Be specific.
4. What specific interventions do you feel are necessary with this client?
5. What is the possible diagnosis for this client? Provide supportive reasoning for your diagnosis. Why?
6. Is this client suffering a stress disorder? Define which one and the symptoms associated.
7. How does the biology of trauma present in this case?
8. Should Maryam’s family be notified? Explain.
9. Would you feel competent enough to work with this client? Why or why not?
10. Should you seek additional resources to help with this case? Explain.
11. Do you have coordination or treatment issues to consider? Explain.
Include a minimum of three scholarly references in addition to the textbook.
An abstract is not required.

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