This paper should demonstrate understanding of the reading as well as the implications of new knowledge. The paper should integrate readings and course discussions into work and life experiences. It may include an explanation and examples from previous experiences as well as implications for future applications.
Read both of the case study’s and thoroughly answer all the following questions. Supplement your answers with scholarly research. 

Case Study: The Realco Breadmaster
1. Develop a master production schedule for the breadmaker. What do the projected ending inventory and available-to-promise numbers look like? Has Realco “overpromised”? In your view, should Realco update either the forecast or the production numbers?
2. Comment on Jack’s approach to order promising. What are the advantages? The disadvantages? How would formal master scheduling improve this process? What organizational changes would be required? 
3. Following up on Question 2, which do you think is worse, refusing a customer’s order upfront because you don’t have the units available or accepting the order and then failing to deliver? What are the implications for master scheduling?
4. Suppose Realco produces 20,000 breadmakers every week, rather than 40,000 every other week. According to the master schedule record, what impact would this have on average inventory levels?

Case Study: Supply-Chain Challenges in Post-Earthquake Japan
1. What are some of the advantages of the supply chain used in the Japanese auto industry before the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami? What were some of its disadvantages?
2. Is Toyota’s plan for a “foolproof” supply chain consistent with the Lean production philosophy? Explain.
3. Can you think of any additional ways Toyota (and its competitors in the Japanese auto industry) can improve upon the company’s plan to create a “foolproof” supply chain?
4. What impact do you think Toyota’s plan will have on the way it handles relationship management in its supply chain?

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