1. A section introducing the bioethical question and containing scientific background information and of your topic. The biological basis of the topic must be addressed and explained in this section. Be specific, and discuss how the biotechnology works if appropriate.

2. Viewpoints about the bioethical issues raised by your issue. Include a substantive section explaining the various perspectives. Discuss each viewpoint and describe the arguments supporting that viewpoint. Do not argue for any one perspective, yet. (Make sure citations are complete and correct).

3. Take an ethical stand, and argue the ethical viewpoint constructively. Back your argument with information supporting your viewpoint. Your argument should be scholarly, not based on an emotional response. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: This is an ethics paper, so you must include a discussion of ethical theories and principles. You may include it in the section(s) that makes sense to you within the framework of your paper. Either the viewpoints and/or the ethical stand section generally work well .

A minimum (more may be required) of 6 reference sources.
None may be from a general encyclopedia, or Wikipedia.org.
Two from a Scientific Journal
The others may be from any of the above, or an appropriate internet site, a printed source etc.
You may have more than 6 references. Be careful about the sources you choose to use; some of them are not carefully edited or contain false information.

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