Title (1 mark)

The Influence of Music on Memory

Abstract (3 marks)

The goal of this research is to find out how music affects memory. It is believed that listening to music would enhance memory. These three factors—music, memory, and performance—are the study’s variables. A computer, music, and a memory exercise are needed for this research. Music is played throughout the operation while the participants work on their memory exercises. The observations and information will be noted and examined to ascertain how music affects memory. In this research, the participants, the music, and the memory task are the causes of inaccuracy.

Question/Problem (1 mark)

What impact does music have on memory?

Hypothesis (2 marks)

It is believed that listening to music would enhance memory.

Variables (6 marks)

Music, memory, and performance are the factors that will be examined in this research.

Materials (2 marks)

A computer, some music, and a memory test are going to be necessary components of our investigation.

Procedure (5 + 4 marks) (remember to include definitions of movement)

Playing music in the background as the participants do the memory exercise is part of the technique. In order to assess the impact that music has on memory, both the observations and the data will be collected and examined.

Observations and Data (15 marks)

In order to assess the impact that music has on memory, both the observations and the data will be collected and examined.

Analysis and Conclusion (5 marks)

The information will be evaluated in order to draw conclusions on the impact that music has on memory. The information that was gathered will serve as the foundation for the conclusion.

Sources of Error (2 marks)

The participants, the music, and the memory exercise all contributed to the errors that were found in this investigation.

———————————- End of Practice Project ———————————-

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