
For the Final Project for Criminal Law (LGS3080), you will choose a case that relates directly to Criminal Law. You may choose a non-Canadian case BUT be sure you relate the case you choose to Canadian Law and your Legal Studies course.

This is the Report choice for the Final Project. If you would like to suggest a different format for your Final Project, please contact your Lead Teacher to discuss.

Review the Report choice below prior to creating your final project.

Choose a case (Internet, TV, books, magazines, movies, newspapers) that relates directly to Criminal Law. You may choose a non-Canadian case BUT be sure you relate the case you choose to Canadian Law and your Legal Studies courseYou may use an event (fiction or non-fiction) that involves people who are not famous. Or, you may use a case that involves famous people such as politicians, musicians, actors, or sports figures.Your report MUST be in your own words (refer to the Plagiarism Policy and Sharing of Work pages in your course) Be sure to cite your sources; remember that any information that you use from any source such as a book, the internet, magazine articles, or newspaper articles is information that someone else has written, and therefore the source must be included in your report. For example, if you are using: -Internet (provide website link) -Book (provide book title/author’s name) -Newspaper (provide name of newspaper/date/author) -Magazine (provide name of magazine/date/author)

Report Planning– What needs to be in your report?

Use the section below to plan out (in point form) your report content prior to submitting your Final Project.

1. Minimum length of 2,double-spaced, typed pages. Maximum length of 4, double-spaced, typed pages. ( /2 marks)  
2. Short introductory paragraph: clearly identifies the case you have chosen, and why you feel it relates to Canadian Criminal Law. ( /2 marks)  
3. A summary of the events of the topic you have chosen. ( /10 marks) Your summary MUST include the following: o  Who is the case about? o  What happened? o  Where did the events take place? o  When did the events take place? o  Why did the events take place – in other words, what caused the events to happen?    
4. Your opinion of the case. ( /6 marks) Your opinion MUST include the following: o  If a legal decision was reached, do you agree or disagree with it? o  If a legal decision was reached, why do you agree or disagree with it? o  If no legal decision was reached, what would you decide, and why? o  Which facts/events in the case did you find the most interesting, and why?  
5. One concluding paragraph. ( /8 marks) Your concluding paragraph MUST include the following: a) 3 legal concepts (of your choice) from the course. b) Explain how each concept relates directly to this case. (2 marks each =  /6 marks) Concept 1: Concept 2: Concept 3: c) You MUST identify the elements of a crime, actus reus and mens rea, for this case. (1 mark each =  /2 marks)  
6. Cite your sources. ( /2 marks)  

Read the following carefully before you submit your Final Project (Report).

1.   If you are working on this project with another student, who is enrolled in the same VVS course, you MUST EMAIL your lead teacher to provide this information BEFORE your work is submitted for grading.

2.   Be sure to submit this completed project (to the correct course assignment submit page in Moodle, as required by VVS. The instructions on how to do this are included in your welcome email (sent to you when you enrolled in this course). DO NOT email your work to your lead teacher.

3.   Be sure your work is submitted in the proper format (Microsoft Word/Powerpoint, PDF or Google Doc/Slides). If you use Google, remember to either; convert your work to Word/Powerpoint/PDF; or, if you are sharing a link, make sure you make it “public” and provide “edit” privileges so your work can be accessed for grading.

4.  Be sure to proof-read your work and use spellcheck.

5.  Please do not be shy about contacting your lead teacher with your questions!

6.  Once you have submitted your work in Moodle, remember that it is your responsibility to check for feedback on your work. Feedback will be left before giving a failing grade or if you are missing work, so that you can have one more attempt to improve your work. Be sure to check!

When you have completed the Final Project, submit it to the Moodle assignment page in your course.

Final Project (Plan and Report)Grade
Total Marks/30
Teacher Comments     

Legal Studies – Report Rubric

  Excellent 30 (WOW!) Accomplished 20 Satisfactory 15Needs Improvement 10 Unsatisfactory 5 or less
GENERAL CONTENT·​    ​ ·​    ​ ·​    ​ ·​    ​Presents complete information clearly and in appropriate detail. Length of 2, double-spaced, typed pages. Maximum length no more than 4, double-spaced, typed pages. Short introductory paragraph which clearly identifies the case you have chosen, and why you feel it relates to the Legal Studies course.·​    ​ ·​    ​ ·​    ​ ·​    ​Presents complete information clearly and in some detail. Length of 2, double-spaced, typed pages. Maximum length no more than 4, double-spaced, typed pages. Short introductory paragraph which identifies the case you have chosen, and why you feel it relates to the Legal Studies course.·​    ​ ·​    ​ ·​    ​ ·​    ​Presents information in satisfactory detail. Length of 1.5, double-spaced, typed pages. Maximum length no more than 4, double-spaced, typed pages. Short introductory paragraph which identifies the case you have chosen, but does not state why you feel it relates to the Legal Studies course.·​    ​ ·​ ·​    ​ ·​    ​Presents information with little detail. ​Length of 1, double-spaced, typed pages. Maximum length no more than 4, double-spaced, typed pages. Short introductory paragraph which identifies the case you have chosen, but does not state why you feel it relates to the Legal Studies course.·​    ​ ·​    ​ ·​    ​ ·​    ​Presents incomplete and/or unclear information. Length of less than 1, not double-spaced, typed pages. Maximum length no more than 4, double-spaced, typed pages. Missing introductory paragraph which identifies the case you have chosen, and why you feel it relates to the Legal Studies course.
SUMMARY PARAGRAPH(S) Questions To Be Address  ·​   ​   ·​   ​ o o o o oSummary of the events of the topic/case student has chosen. Summary answers ALL the following in detail: ​Who​ is the case about? ​What happened?​ ​Where​ did the events take place? ​When​ did the events take place? ​Why​ did the events take place – in other words, what caused the events to happen?  ·​   ​   ·​   ​ o o o o oSummary of the events of the topic/case student has chosen. Summary answers ALL the following with some detail: ​Who​ is the case about? ​What happened?​ ​Where​ did the events take place? ​When​ did the events take place? ​Why​ did the events take place – in other words, what caused the events to happen?  ·​   ​   ·​   ​ o o o o oSummary of the events of the topic/case student has chosen. . Summary answers at least 3-4 of the following with some detail: ​Who​ is the case about? ​What​ happened? ​Where​ did the events take place? ​When​ did the events take place? ​Why​ did the events take place – in other words, what caused the events to happen?  ·​   ​   ·​   ​ o o o o oSummary of the events of the topic/case student has chosen. Summary answers at least 3 the following with little detail: Who​  is the case​ about? ​What​ happened? ​Where did the​ events take place? ​When​ did the events take place? ​Why​ did the events take place – in other words, what caused the events to happen?· ​ ​   ·​   ​ o o o o oMissing summary of the events of the topic/case student has chosen. Summary answers 2 or less of the following with little detail: ​Who​ is the case about? ​What happened?​ ​Where​ did the events take place? ​When​ did the events take place? ​Why​ did the events take place – in other words, what caused the events to happen?
STUDENT OPINION of CASE PARAGRAPH(S)  ·​   ​ o o o oStudents’ opinion of the topic/case answers ALL the following in detail: ​If a legal decision was reached, do you agree or disagree with it? ​If a legal decision was reached, why do you agree or disagree with it? ​If no legal decision was reached, what would you decide, and why? ​Which facts / events in the case did you find the most interesting, and why?· ​ ​Students’ opinion of the topic/case answers ALL the following with some detail: ​If a legal decision was reached, do you agree or disagree with it?​If a legal decision was reached, why do you agree or disagree with it?​If no legal decision was reached, what would you decide, and why?​Which facts / events in the case did you find the most interesting, and why?  ·​   ​ o o o oStudents’ opinion of the topic/case answers at least 3 of the following with some detail: ​If a legal decision was reached, do you agree or disagree with it? ​If a legal decision was reached, why do you agree or disagree with it? ​If no legal decision was reached, what would you decide, and why? ​Which facts / events in the case did you find the most interesting, and why?  ·​   ​ o o o oStudents’ opinion of the topic/case answers at least 2 of the following with little detail: ​If a legal decision was reached, do you agree or disagree with it? ​If a legal decision was reached, why do you agree or disagree with it? ​If no legal decision was reached, what would you decide, and why? ​Which facts / events in the case did you find the most interesting, and why?  ·​   ​ o o o oStudents’ opinion of the topic/case answers 1 or none of the following with little detail: ​If a legal decision was reached, do you agree or disagree with it? ​If a legal decision was reached, why do you agree or disagree with it? ​If no legal decision was reached, what would you decide, and why? ​Which facts / events in the case did you find the most interesting, and why?
CONCLUDING PARAGRAPH  ·​   ​   ·​   ​4 Legal concepts from the course have been explained. All of the 4 Legal concepts are explained in detail as to how each relates directly to the case student has chosen.  ·​   ​   ·​   ​4 Legal concepts from the course have been explained. 3 Legal concepts are explained as to how each relates directly to the case student has chosen.  ·​   ​   ·​   ​3 Legal concepts from the course have been explained. 3 Legal concepts are explained as to how each relates directly to the case student has chosen.  ·​   ​   ·​   ​2 Legal concepts from the course have been explained. 2 Legal concepts are explained as to how each relates directly to the case student has chosen.  ·​   ​   ·​   ​0 – 1 Legal concept from the course have been explained. 0- 1 Legal concepts are explained as to how each relates directly to the case student has chosen.
SPELLING and GRAMMAR  ·​   ​   ·​   ​Assignment has complete sentences, have nothing misspelled, and there are no errors in grammar. Excellent overall presentation.  ·​   ​   ·​   ​Assignment has complete sentences, have 1 – 2 misspellings, but there are no errors in grammar. Accomplished overall presentation.  ·​   ​   ·​   ​Assignment has complete sentences, have 3 – 4 misspellings, and 1 – 2 errors in grammar. Satisfactory overall presentation.  ·​   ​   ·​   ​Assignment has 5 – 6 misspellings, and 3 -4 errors in grammar. Overall presentation needs improvement.  ·​   ​   ·​   ​Assignment has more than 7 misspellings, and more than 5 errors in grammar. Unsatisfactory overall presentation.

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