Candidates should answer THREE questions; at least ONE question from Section A and ONE question from Section B. The remaining question can be selected from either Section A or B.

The examiners give equal weight to each question and you are advised to distribute your time approximately equally between the three questions.

Candidates should write their answers within a limit of 1,000 words per question with a maximum of 3,000 words in total for all three questions. Answers should be typed and submitted in one single document using Microsoft Word or a PDF to the designated area on the VLE page. The question number and the multiple-part questions must be indicated at the start of each answer.

Answer THREE questions, at least ONE question from each section

SECTION A: Answer at least ONE question from this section

  1. With reference to the work of Hymer and Dunning, outline the challenges that firms face in entering foreign markets. How might an FDI strategy assist firms in overcoming such challenges?’
  2. Critically examine the ways how transnational firms exert control and leverage over their affiliates, international workforce, supply chains and government agencies
  1. Explain why transnational corporations seek to integrate their global operations and critically examine how integration can be successfully achieved. Illustrate your answer with real world examples.
  2. Is STEEPLE a useful tool for senior international managers to employ? Justify your answer with reference to real world examples and/or empirical evidence.

SECTION B: Answer at least ONE question from this section

  1. Critically examine the key challenges faced by global project teams in the innovation process. How might these challenges be addressed?
  2. Critically explore the academic ambiguity around the definition of ‘organisational culture’. How might ‘organisational culture’ be effectively harnessed in international joint ventures?
  3. ‘The convergence of global Human Resource Management practices (HRM) is complete’.

With reference to real world examples and/or empirical evidence, critically assess this statement.

  1. Do transnational corporations have a sense of a ‘national identity’? Justify your answer with reference to real world examples and/or empirical evidence.

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