Goal: To build a financial model linking Income Statement, Balance Sheet and Statement of Cashflows

Key Steps:

           •          Input historical data (income statement, balance sheet, statement of cashflows) – at least 3 years, but could be 5-10 years in order to see trends or cyclical behaviors

           •           Include Depreciation schedule

           •           Net Working Capital schedule

           •           Debt and Interest schedule

           •           Calculate historical ratios/metrics for the business, such as margins (% of Sales) and growth rates, etc.

           •           Assumptions – build out the ratios/metrics into the future years by making assumptions, based on any historical trends, changes in strategy, competitive landscape, and economic conditions

           •           Forecast – forecast the 3 financial statements using the Assumptions

Expectations (Must be followed):

            •           Layout is easy to follow and understand.  Formatting is neat and organized.  Outstanding use of different font colors, cell borders, charting, etc. (30 points)

            •           All relevant assumptions created and rationale documented with several source documents cited. 3+ years of historical data included. (30 points)

            •           All relevant cell formulas created and working properly, including linking supporting schedules such as Depreciation schedule or Net Working Capital schedule. Formulas used for financial projections.  Pro-forma Balance Sheet is balanced. (40 points)

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