Respond to the following Discussion points from Chapters 7 and 8. Once you have responded, comment on another student’s responses. A complete answer addresses every item in each question or prompt.

You will not receive full points if you neglect to leave a substantive comment on another student’s post.

  1. Changing Places (p. 214)

Commence with the English word clue each time and change it into another English word as indicated below. Give an IPA symbol and a brief articulatory description for the new sound each time. (Do not change any more than the instructions require.)

(a) change the voicing of its initial stop.

(b) change the voicing and place of articulation of its initial stop.

(c) change its lateral into another approximant.

(d) change the place of the initial stop and turn it into a fricative.

(e) change its vowel into a diphthong.

Replicate this activity using your own examples. 

2. Transcribing Oronyms (pg. 254)

A. Because of the seamlessness of speech, sequences of sounds can be divided into words in more than one way; these are oronyms. For each of the following pairs, write out your pronunciation using the phonemic notation given in Chapter 7. According to your pronunciation of the strings, is each of these an oronym?

(a) four candles – fork handles

(b) grade A – grey day

(c) It’s hard to recognize speech. – It’s hard to wreak a nice beach.

(d) The good can decay many ways. – The good candy came anyways.

(e) They have slain the Earl of Murrary and laid him on the green. – They have slain the Early of Murray and Lady Mondegreen.

B. You have probably heard of oronyms described another way: some types of misheard lyrics. Share an example of lyrics you thought you heard and what was actually said. Use IPA and conventional orthography in your descriptions.

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