
Bullying is becoming more and more commonplace in the classroom, even in schools once deemed “safe.” Teaching students how to share space with others at school can positively impact behavior both in and outside the classroom.

In this module’s scenario, you will read about some ways bullying might look at your school one day. The provided setting presents three types of bullying that you must identify and discuss. Read and study the setting as you consider ways to keep bullying out of your classroom. The three types of bullying you discuss must come from this setting.

Specificity is important with this assignment; as you write your paper, you must continually ask yourself “why” and “how.” To earn full credit your paper must employ specific and quality discourse.

The Classroom Bullying Grading Rubric for this assignment should be considered the best source regarding what is required for successful completion. 

The Biblical integration for this assignment is to demonstrate the Fruit of the Spirit (as found in Galatians 5:22, 23) in your solutions: love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.


Include the following four sections of discussion in your paper:

  1. identify the first type of bullying you see exemplified and consider what is taking place that causes you to recognize it as bullying.
  1. Examples:  Use examples from the setting provided to show how this type of bullying is revealing itself in your classroom.
  2. Use peer-reviewed research articles to explain why you identified this behavior as bullying. Cite this research in your discussion and include the source(s) in the reference list at the end of your paper.
  3. Solutions:  What actions will you apply in your classroom to demonstrate how you will prevent this type of bullying from occurring in the future?
  4. :  What new student behaviors will you see in your classroom that will indicate to you that your solutions were effective? What changes will you see in your classroom?

Repeat discussion points a. through d. as laid out above in section 1.

Repeat discussion points a. through d. as laid out above in section 1.

The following are requirements for your paper:

  1. Your paper must meet a minimum of 1,200 words (not including the title page and reference page) and be formatted in current APA style.
  • You must use at least four sources in your paper:
  • One source must be the Bible. (Reference which translation you use, i.e. KJV, NKJV, NIV, etc.)
    • Cite the Bible version in the body of the paper. An example of this would be:  (King James Bible, 1769/2017, John 3:16).
    • Include the source in your reference list. An example of this would be: King James Bible. (2017). Cambridge University Press. (Original work published 1769).
  • One source must be the course textbook.
  • Two sources must be peer-reviewed research articles.
  • To assist you in your search for an article, you should access the Jerry Falwell Library to find peer-reviewed journal articles.
  • Research articles:
  • Must be peer-reviewed;
  • Must be published within the last seven years; and
  • Must be at least five pages.
  • You must include at least five citations within your paper for the work you borrow from all your sources.

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