Please read the case “Baman Technology: Building Supply Chains for Boundaryless Dining” on the Blackboard and then discuss and analyze it as a group. Each group is to answer the questions below in a group report. You need to utilize the information provided to you in the related chapters and suggested readings.
First page: Case name, Group number, Student names, Date.
Questions to be answered by the group
1. Analyze Baman’s strategies for its restaurant and retail supply chains from the perspective of segmentation, uncertainty, product demand and supply characteristics. (30%)
2. How could the newly defined retail supply chain strategy help Baman out of its excessive inventory predicament? (20%)
3. How could Baman enhance supply chain performance through supply chain integration and collaborative innovation to support its “boundaryless dining” business model? (20%)
4. What do you think of Zhang Tianyi’s three options? What specific suggestions can you make for each of them? (15%)
5. If Baman was forced to keep only one of its business lines, either restaurant business or retail business, which one do you recommend them to keep? Explain why. (15%)