
Let’s design a low power and minimum area smartwatch. Please optimize the NMOS transistor PPA (Power, Performance, Area) in the table. Optimization plans should be clear and concise. You may add >2 plans. To simplify, fclk=1MHz for all plans.

Please check the transistor model carefully. This model is the source of all values.

dP(%)= Power difference

dA(%)= Area difference

Submission: Please upload a single doc here and add hand calculations.

PPA TargetTotal Points =100PlanVth (V)Ion (mA)Operating RegionCtot (pF)Average Dynamic Power (mW)= CtotV2fclkdP(%)Area (um2)dA(%)Target Achieved? If Not, explain why in 1-2 sentences.
Initial Reference10Plan1: VGS=2V, VDS=1V, W/L=1         
<50% Power reduction only30Plan1=?         
<50% Area reduction only30Plan1=?         
<50% both Power and Area reductions30Plan1=?         

* Transistor models

* Level=3 models


.MODEL N_1u NMOS LEVEL  = 3                 

+ TOX    = 200E-10         NSUB   = 1E17            GAMMA  = 0.5         

+ PHI    = 0.7             VTO    = 0.8             DELTA  = 3.0         

+ UO     = 650             ETA    = 3.0E-6          THETA  = 0.1         

+ KP     = 120E-6          VMAX   = 1E5             KAPPA  = 0.3               

+ RSH    = 0               NFS    = 1E12            TPG    = 1                 

+ XJ     = 500E-9          LD     = 100E-9                

+ CGDO   = 200E-12         CGSO   = 200E-12         CGBO   = 1E-10             

+ CJ     = 400E-6          PB     = 1               MJ     = 0.5          

+ CJSW   = 300E-12         MJSW   = 0.5                                 


.MODEL P_1u PMOS LEVEL  = 3                 

+ TOX    = 200E-10         NSUB   = 1E17            GAMMA  = 0.6         

+ PHI    = 0.7             VTO    = -0.9            DELTA  = 0.1         

+ UO     = 250             ETA    = 0               THETA  = 0.1        

+ KP     = 40E-6           VMAX   = 5E4             KAPPA  = 1        

+ RSH    = 0               NFS    = 1E12            TPG    = -1                

+ XJ     = 500E-9          LD     = 100E-9              

+ CGDO   = 200E-12         CGSO   = 200E-12         CGBO   = 1E-10             

+ CJ     = 400E-6          PB     = 1               MJ     = 0.5               

+ CJSW   = 300E-12         MJSW   = 0.5  



Hand Calculations 
Initial Reference 
<50% Power reduction only Plan1Plan2
<50% Area reduction only Plan1Plan2
<50% both Power and Area reductions Plan1Plan2 

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