You are asked to select an infrastructure sector or organisation of your choice and describe the key challenges in the delivery of projects/programmes in this setting. Based on the theoretical ideas and concepts presented and discussed in class (E.g., management of projects, strategy, the project front-end, project value and other concepts, based on your own literature review and the reading list.) as well as relevant examples provided by guest contributors and project cases covered, you are expected to provide a week-by-week summary of your understanding of the main themes and practical challenges in the management of infrastructure projects and programmes.

 In developing your argument, you can choose to either cover the entire life-cycle (from the fuzzy front-end decisions, through design, delivery to handover and transition into operations) or focus on any of the life-cycle stages. Assessment of this module will take place as a submission of a portfolio of short analytical reflections on the weekly themes covered in the module. You are expected to draw on the material provided in the lectures and readings, integrate them and apply them in your own context. The goal is that all the weekly submissions build towards your understanding of the issues in the management of infrastructure projects and programmes in an organisation, industry, or geography of your choice. While each week of the module features a mix of material (teaching cases, guest contributions, discussions, etc), the weekly submissions are guided by the reading list and research papers we expect you to study for each week. As such, the basis of your weekly submissions should be the readings but those should be complemented with insights from teaching cases, guest contributions and class discussions.

• 1st Part – Choose setting and describe the policy and business challenges for your setting

• 2nd Part – Discuss project front-end and planning issues in your setting

• 3rd Part – Discuss value creation, delivery and capture in project(s) of your setting

• 4th Part – Discuss the capabilities and delivery models of your infrastructure project setting

• 5th Part – Suggest an outline approach for managing infrastructure projects in your setting from inception through delivery to operations and use.

Format and structure

A guiding question is given for each weekly submission (see above). Please use Harvard referencing style for both weekly formative submissions and the final portfolio submission.

Each of the 5 components of the portfolio will finally be assessed with 20 points in a double marking process.

Marking Criteria  

Statement of problem (formulate the focus of the learning journal) 6 points (30%)

Analysis (integration of literature, lecture material and your original thinking) 8 points (40%)

Conclusions (implications and new insights from your analysis) 4 points (20%)

Presentation (flow and structure of argument, use of academic English and referencing) 2 points (10%) Total 20 points (100%)

The marking criteria will be applied to all 5 components of the portfolio submission so that each weekly submission will address multiple learning objectives along your learning journey. Word Count/Length We expect around 500-600 words for each section (not including tables, figures and references).

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