Applying the principles from the Nursing Leadership and Health Policy learning modules students will explore the role of the Registered Nurse Leader in policy advocacy.  Groups of two to three students will create a policy challenge presentation with a focus on collaboration. All members must participate to earn points. Each group member will receive an individual grade for the assignment and will participate in a rated peer evaluation of each group member. The final grade for each student will be based upon the presentation and peer evaluations and determined by the course professor.  The course professor will randomly assign students to a group and post the assigned groups and student names in a course announcement in week one. Contact peers in your assigned group by university email in week one to begin planning and collaborating on the project between weeks one and seven.


Topic: Workplace health and safety advocacy appropriate staffing and just overall healthy environment

  1. Interview a nurse leader from a professional nursing organization to collect ideas for the project. (Organization: American nurses association)
  2. Utilize your readings, research and resources to build the content. This should be a collaborative team process. Divide the workload for the project in an equitable manner among team members. 

Each presentation will need to include (but is not limited to):

  • Brief description of the policy challenge the team has chosen and the nursing association that was identified.
  • Describe the “Agenda” for the identified policy challenge. Include how the policy issue was identified, (Did the organization complete a review of the literature, an environmental scan and/or a SWOT analysis, etc.?)

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