Case Analysis: The Decision-Making Process

For this assignment, you will write a case analysis.  On Why Good Leaders Make Bad Decisions. You can use examples from the US Military, UK Military, or the Civilian Corporate Environment.

Read an Introduction to Analyzing a Case Study and Writing a Case Study Analysis in Part 5 your book (Please see attached PDF doc.)

Then, write a comprehensive case analysis. Your case analysis should cover the following:

1. The context of the decision-making processes, including for example: the goals, activities, history or culture of the organization; the complexity and special features of the task or problem; the major stakeholders of the decisions.

2. The main phases or activities of the decision-making process, including for example: the background leading up to the problem situation; problem recognition; development and evaluation of alternatives; selection of alternative; and outcome of the decision. Where possible, analyze the information seeking and information use behaviors in the decision-making process.

3. Analyze your case using one or more of the models introduced this week. You may also introduce other theoretical perspectives/cases to enrich your analysis. Show how these models/perspectives provide insight into your case.

4. Assess the overall quality of the decision-making process. Identify its strengths and limitations. Suggest ways of improving the process.

Grading Rubric

Deficient Proficient Exemplary
  0-7 points 8-13 points 13-15 points
Introduction and Thesis Statement Unclear or incomplete Introduction with a partially developed thesis. Clear, well-developed, introduction and thesis.
  0-20 points 21-26 points 27-30 points
Supporting Evidence/ Analysis Lacks specific, credible, and relevant support.  Development of position / argument is inadequate or missing.  Adequately supported with a limited spectrum of specific, credible, and relevant evidence.   Development of position/argument is thoughtful and persuasive but lacks some detail. Well-supported with a broad spectrum of specific, credible, and relevant evidence.   Position / argument is well-developed, very thoughtful, and persuasive
  0-6 points 7-8 points 9-10 points
Clarity & Organization  Lacks organization, logic and clarity. Transitions  seldom or never used to connect ideas. Generally organized, logical and clearly articulated. Transitions often smoothly connect ideas. Paragraph formation is clear. Fully organized, logical and clearly articulated. Transitions smoothly connect ideas.
  0-14 points 15-17 points 18-20 points
Professional Communication Does not demonstrate proficiency in spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and sentence structure. Some spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and/or sentence structure errors. Polished and demonstrates a high level of proficiency in spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and sentence structure.
  0-7 points 8-13 points 13-15 points
Conclusion No conclusion included.   Some attempt at a conclusion, but it is not well written.   Well written and fully developed conclusion. 
  0-6 points 7-8 points 9-10 points
APA Paper has no APA formatting, or paper has an APA cover, but no references or in text citations. Less than the required number of credible references provided. Paper lacks one element of APA (cover, references or in text citations), but has at least one credible reference. Paper has all elements of APA formatting (cover, references and in text citations) with the required number of credible references.

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