
Finding an amazing discovery using data analytics is a wonderful feeling. Often you are the subject matter expert within your organization doing complex and nuanced analysis. In most situations this is not the last stop for your new insight, you must explain and share your findings with executive leadership who have limited time and limited knowledge of the intricacies of your data. Boiling down your data findings to “need-to-knows” is a hard skill and is the end goal of many of the business intelligence platforms you have viewed in this class. This assignment will have you create a PowerPoint presentation with some of your findings.  

The below are some tips using slides from McKinsey and Company. It is not expected that your slides will have the level of graphics shown as McKinsey has departments dedicated to their PowerPoints, but the tips are still helpful.

Review of 39pg McKinsey Presentation


Using the data from Assignments 1 and 2 to look into the prices of bread; please include at least two slides and three charts.  Some ideas may be comparing the prices in different areas, prices compared to other items like flour, (which is used to make bread) or cheese, (which is put on bread). Please note that this is not expected to be a research paper on bread; one – three bullet points on each chart is perfect.


***Create a PowerPoint with least two slides and three charts and upload it to Blackboard.

Evaluation Rubric for PowerPointAssignment

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