To prepare for the recorded deliberation in the next lesson, you should fill in any gaps in its understanding of the issue. This should include general information about the problem and its effects, additional causes not explored, and other reasons why the issue is challenging to resolve You need at least 2 bullets on each Root cause answering the list below

  • Root causes
    • Government funding/programs
    • Mental Health/Mental Illness
    • Substance Abuse
    • Unemployment
  • Scope and severity of the problem
    • EXAMPL BULLET: In 2020, the Cold and Uncared for Society [A1] shares there are six (6) different types of homelessness. These six types are reversible, irreversible, chronic, episodic, transitional, and hidden homelessness.  
  • Additional effects of the issue, both direct and indirect
  • Who is most affected?
  • Other elements of context, including broader systems, communities, or organizations involved
  • Constraints and barriers to change
  • What solutions have been tried in the past
  • Dangers of not acting, or of acting prematurely
  • Expert perspectives on how the issue should be handled
  • Lay perspectives on how the issue should be handled

Here are four strategies for selecting a range of approaches to foster a good deliberative discussion, adapted from the Kettering Foundation and from National Issues Forums:

  1. Use positive framing for each of the approaches
  2. Clarify tensions between approaches; shouldn’t yield “all of the above” decision-making
  3. Avoid dichotomies; pros of one approach are not the cons of another approach
  4. Frame consequences in terms of what people value, not merely what’s practical

Successful framing of the approaches will help people avoid “the usual” conversation–a simple rehash of prior positions by allowing them to see the issue in a new way. Ideally, good framing also leads to deliberation that leaves people at least somewhat unsettled: they realize that there are drawbacks to their own preferred approach, as well as benefits to approaches that weren’t their first choice. As a result, it can be easier to have empathy for those who hold a different view.

Approach 1: Put education as a priority to help those who are homeless


Approach 2: Educate counselors and make counseling/mental health support more easily accessible


Approach 3: Providing resources to help individuals recover from addiction


Approach 4: Allowing additional opportunities for individuals to have affordable housing


Additional resources:



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