
There are two parts to this assignment. Part 1 includes a written case description, the selected target behavior, intervention plan, measurement system, and plan for evaluating intervention effectiveness. Part 2 requires that you select the audience that you will train and provide a rationale for your choice. After identifying the audience, you will provide an overview of your virtual and in-person training for the selected audience, including how you will monitor to ensure proper implementation by all involved in services.

Part 1: Case and Intervention Overview

Part 1 is a combination of writing and outlining material related to your specific case study organized as follows:

Case Introduction
  • Briefly describe the individual in your case, using a pseudonym.
  • Base your case on someone from your professional or personal life; using the same person from your assignments in PSY7712 and PSY7713 is strongly recommended. Keep in mind that it is only acceptable to use someone from your personal life (such as your child) for academic purposes. It is unethical for you to provide behavior analytic services to family members.
  • No external references are necessary in this section of 1–2 paragraphs.
Target Behavior
  • State and provide an operational definition for the selected target behavior, discuss social significance, and confirm the function of the target behavior.
  • No external references are necessary in this section. Two paragraphs maximum.
Intervention Plan
  • Outline all intervention procedures, briefly summarize each intervention plan, and provide specifics of the implementation of each intervention for your target individual.
    • Consider and adhere to the current BACB Ethics Codes and Capella Compassion Code in your selection.
  • Each brief summary statement should be 3–5 sentences. Resources for each intervention should be cited and referenced, but lengthy details of the resources should not be provided.
Measurement and Intervention Effectiveness
  • Briefly describe how you will collect data on your target behavior, how you will measure the effectiveness of your intervention, and how you will ensure the data is being collected accurately.
    • Consider and adhere to the current BACB Ethics Codes and Capella Compassion Code in your selection.
  • Resources should be used to support your choices.
  • Two paragraphs expected. One page maximum.

Part 2: Training and Performance Monitoring Overview

Part 2 is a description of material related to your virtual and in-person training and performance monitoring plan. Each section is detailed below.

  • State selected audience to train and provide a rationale for selecting that audience.
    • Select one of the following audiences for training: caregivers, school staff, behavior intervention staff (center, community, or home-based program).
  • Justify why this audience is the highest priority for training in your case.
  • 3–5 sentences maximum.
Training Plan
  • Briefly summarize your virtual and in-person training plans specific to your chosen audience.
    • Consider and adhere to the current BACB Ethics Codes and Capella Compassion Code in your selections.
  • Justify (with resources) why these are the best training procedures for your audience.
  • Two paragraphs expected. One page maximum.
Performance Monitoring
  • Briefly summarize your plan to monitor performance related to treatment implementation after the virtual and in-person training is complete.
    • Consider and adhere to the current BACB Ethics Codes and Capella Compassion Code when choosing how you will provide feedback, extra trainings, and so forth.
  • Two paragraphs expected. One page maximum.

Refer to the Treatment and Supervision Plan Template [DOCX] for further details regarding each section of the assignment.

Additional Requirements

  • Written Communication: Ensure writing is free of grammatical errors and effectively communicates ideas and practices.
  • APA formatting: Use current APA format and style. Refer to Evidence and APA as needed.
  • Resources: Include a sufficient number of scholarly or professional resources to support your provided information. You may include your course text and/or scholarly research articles.
  • Length: 5–8 double-spaced content pages plus title and reference pages.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 points.
  • SafeAssign: You are required to use SafeAssign before submitting the completed assignment to your instructor. Submit your work to SafeAssign as a draft, review the results, and make any needed changes. When you are ready, submit your assignment to the assignment area for grading.

Competencies Measured

By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assignment criteria:

  • Competency 1: Apply ethical and professional conduct principles and standards of psychology as they relate to practice and supervision in the behavior analytic field.
    • Ethics and Compassion: Consider current BACB ethical guidelines and compassionate ABA practice when planning the treatment plan, training, and supervision package.
  • Competency 2: Communicate concepts and principles of behavior analysis, including definitions and characteristics, using the professional standards of applied behavior analysis.
    • Case Overview: Provide a brief, but complete introduction of the selected case study.
    • Target Behavior: Provide the selected target behavior, operational definition, and the social significance.
    • Writing Skills: Demonstrate an academic writing style through well-organized paragraphs and outlines as indicated in the assignment guidelines with minor grammatical errors.
    • APA Compliance: Demonstrate compliance with current APA writing standards for title page, page numbers, headings, outlines, in-text citations, and reference page with minor errors.
  • Competency 3: Analyze techniques of behavioral measurement, including data analysis, in order to display and interpret behavioral data as it applies to the behavior analytic field.
    • Measurement System: Provide a summary of the data collection plan, including how the effectiveness will be monitored.
  • Competency 4: Evaluate research-based theories and findings in the experimental evaluation of interventions and treatment designs in the practice of applied behavior analysis.
    • Intervention Plan: Provide an outline of the interventions selected and an implementation plan for each intervention.
  • Competency 5: Apply behavioral assessment methods for the consideration and selection of intervention outcomes and strategies in relation to the behavior analytic field.
    • Supervision Plan: Provide a description of the supervision process to ensure proper implementation of the interventions.
  • Competency 6: Implement principles of applied behavior analysis techniques for modifying client and supervisee behavior, and for developing and monitoring and supervision systems.
    • Select Audience: Select one of three available audiences to train and provide rationale for the choice.
    • Training Plan: Provide an outline of the training process specific to the selected audience and provide details regarding the virtual and in-person components.


Competencies Measured

By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:

  • Competency 1: Apply ethical, compassionate, inclusive, and professional standards of practice and supervision in the behavior analytic field.
    • Ethics and Compassion: Consider current BACB ethical guidelines and compassionate ABA practice when planning the treatment plan, training, and supervision package.
  • Competency 2: Communicate concepts and principles of behavior analysis, including definitions and characteristics, using the professional standards of applied behavior analysis.
    • Case Overview: Provide a brief but complete introduction to the selected case study.
    • Target Behavior: Provide the selected target behavior, operational definition, and the social significance.
    • Writing Skills: Demonstrate an academic writing style through well-organized paragraphs and outlines as indicated in the assignment guidelines, with only minor grammatical errors.
    • APA Compliance: Demonstrate compliance with current APA writing standards for title page, page numbers, headings, outlines, in-text citations, and reference page with only minor errors.
  • Competency 3: Analyze techniques of behavioral measurement and data analysis to display and interpret behavioral data as it applies to the behavior analytic field.
    • Measurement System: Provide a summary of the data collection plan, including how effectiveness will be monitored.
  • Competency 4: Evaluate research-based theories and findings in the experimental evaluation of interventions and treatment designs in the practice of applied behavior analysis.
    • Intervention Plan: Provide an outline of the interventions selected and an implementation plan for each intervention.
  • Competency 5: Apply behavioral assessment methods for the consideration and selection of targeted outcomes, interventions, and strategies.
    • Supervision Plan: Describe the supervision process to ensure proper implementation of the interventions.
  • Competency 6: Implement principles of applied behavior analysis for modifying client and supervisee behavior, and for developing and monitoring supervision systems for behavior change.
    • Select Audience: Select one of three available audiences to train and provide rationale for the choice.
    • Training Plan: Provide an outline of the training process specific to the selected audience, including details of the virtual and in-person components.

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