Answer the following questions two using 200 words for each answer.

  1. From our reading for this week, find one passage (a paragraph, a page, a few pages.) that you find particularly significant (not p. 102 from the in-class close reading exercise), and discuss in a few sentences why you find it to be so significant.
  2. Choose 1 of the following prompts and discuss:
    • What do you think the two films from “Eroica” say about the director’s attitude toward the mythologizing of heroes and the heroic? How does each go about depicting that attitude?
    • Compare the way heroism has been depicted in Karski’s story to the way it is depicted in “Eroica.”  

Reading: chp 9-16 of the book The Story of A Secret State by Jan karski





Film is not complete, but this should be enough to be able to answer the questions. There are other clips from the movie on YouTube.

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