The Effect of antiepileptic drug on thyroid function in children in KSA , 
the research will be questionnaires filled by family and at the same time will be consent from them to be included in the study 
Then we will do blood investigation for thyroid function to see the effects 
To search about researches in the same title in KSA and around world

The research will be cross sectional and can be changed to prospective cohort depended on the result 

Our inclusion criteria:
– Epileptic patient Whose normal developmentally 
-received Anti -epileptic medication > 4 month 
– no evidence clinically for thyroid dysfunction 

Exclusion criteria: 
Children those with progressive neurologic, thyroid or other metabolic diseases
– Syndrome 
-those with refractory seizures
– those with a family history of hypothyroidism or endocrine dysfunction 
– those non complain on anti-epileptic 

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