Design a Consulting Business that addresses increasing market needs for sustainability and innovation within your community. Ideal real-world investors- or inspiration for investors – would include Kimberle Crenshaw, Elon Musk, Mia Motley, Mindy Lubber, Darius Ballinger, and Donald Trump. 3 interns will be pulled from degree programs centering around environmental management and business administration/ “Green MBA”.

  1. Organizational Structure
    1. The firm would follow a Teams structure. A Teams structure is less hierarchical and provides flexibility that reinforces problem-solving, decision-making, and teamwork.
    1. Under the Teams structure, the business would break out into 4 teams – Administrative, Social/Marketing, Economic/Operations, and Environmental Solutions. Each investor would lead an area focus based on their expertise and serve as a mentor for their designated group. Chain of Command unfolds as follows: Founder > Focus Area Leaders > Interns/Employees. The Administrative Branch would report to the Founder. The firm flows in a decentralized manner with higher level trust and authority given to Focus Area Leaders to allow faster decision-making and a higher level of creativity between teams. On a formality scale, I believe this firm would thrive under a low/neutral level – almost in a family or co-op like environment.
  2. Organizational Theory – Neoclassical. The Neoclassical approach feels the most natural as it mirrors the focus on low formality, teamwork, and people driven.
  3. Goal-Approach Model of Organizational Effectiveness
    1. Teams. As this firm would start off relatively small, our goals would be very simple and straightforward. In the beginning our goals will be utilizing the Internal Process Approach. As we grow and begin the outreach portion of our business, I would expect to transition to the Strategic Constituencies Approach. Just like with many other companies, the larger the firm got – the harder it would be to maintain order in a Teams Structure.
    1. Functional. While Teams and Functional are similar, Functional allows a more structured format of managing which will be very handy as the firm grows. It allows us to group specialties and create a cross functional style of operations.

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