Choose ONE of the following two questions.  Then, drawing upon specific examples from readings and lectures, write an 8–10 page essay.    


In “Settler Colonialism and the elimination of the native,” Patrick Wolfe writes:

“In sum then, settler colonialism is an inclusive, land-centered project that coordinates a comprehensive range of agencies, from the metropolitan center to the frontier encampment, with a view to eliminating Indigenous societies. Its operations are not dependent on the presence or absence of formal state institutions or functionaries…”

He further argues that settler colonialism “has typically employed the organizing grammar of race.”

Drawing upon your understanding of Los Angeles history from readings and lectures, write an 8-10 page essay that describes the history of settler colonialism in the founding of Los Angeles, and the subsequent development of the city—from a pueblo to a modern metropolis. From the readings and lectures, what specific historical examples can you think of that illustrates settler colonialism at work in the urban development of Los Angeles?  Be sure to define the concept of settler colonialism (using the readings) and explain its application to understanding Los Angeles history.  Here are some factors for you to consider in your essay:

The role of culture and cultural representation

The exploitation of natural resources and the natural environment, including agriculture

The role of race: racial ideology and racial hierarchy

The role of capitalism: class and class conflict

The role of technology and engineering.


Los Angeles is renowned, and reviled, for its sprawling, decentralized pattern of development. Based upon your comprehension of readings and lectures, write an 8-10 page essay explaining the historical factors that shaped this pattern of urban development. Think about the following issues:

What technological factors enabled urban sprawl in the Los Angeles region? Think here about the history of transportation and engineering.

What role did the federal government play in shaping the sprawling pattern of development in 20th-century Los Angeles? 

What ideological and cultural factors inspired – and structured – suburban sprawl in Los Angeles? Was suburban development inclusive or exclusive and how did that happen? 

What would you say have been the political consequences of this pattern of urban development?  Is there a ‘political culture’ of suburban sprawl in 20th century Los Angeles?

Thinking historically, how would your periodize the history of suburban development in Los Angeles?  How far back can you trace the origins of suburban sprawl in Southern California and what subsequent historical events and processes furthered that development?

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