As the HR Manager for PMC, you have been tasked by executive leadership with analyzing survey data on job satisfaction and developing a strategic plan to address these issues in the short-term (6 months) and long-term (3 years). The plan’s goals are to improve PMC’s employee retention and overall job satisfaction.

View the Power Manufacturing Company: Job Satisfaction Survey multimedia piece for survey results that identify areas of particular concern that require a plan for immediate resolution.

For the areas of pay satisfaction, career planning, and the accessibility of top management, include the following in your strategic plan to PMC’s executive leadership:

Analyze possible causes for the top identified issues to assist leadership in their interpretation, supporting your analysis with professional resources.
Develop recommendations for strategies to employ in the short term. What steps or actions can be taken to begin improving retention and job satisfaction within six months? 
Develop recommendations for strategies to employ over the long term. What steps or actions can be taken to significantly improve retention and job satisfaction within three years? 
Compare your own plan to best practices for retention and job satisfaction. Use course resources for your comparison.
Your strategic plan should demonstrate graduate-level writing skills through the accurate communication of thoughts that support a central idea and use of correct grammar and mechanics as expected of a human resources professional. 

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