
This assignment is designed to increase your statistical literacy and proficiency in conducting and interpreting a bivariate linear regression analysis. You will be completing two bivariate linear regression analyses in SPSS, using data that are related to specific research scenarios in the behavioral sciences, such as psychology, social work, and counseling. You will also be completing one Cumulative Knowledge Question that will use an analysis learned in a previous week. Behind the scenes knowledge of how this test is conducted is fundamental to being able to understand and apply research in your related field to your practice. Additionally, SPSS skills are professionally valuable, as it is one of the most commonly used statistical software packages in behavioral science settings, both academic and professional.


  • This assignment includes two problem sets that contain research scenarios and related questions.
  • For each scenario, you will run an analysis in SPSS. The required product will include the SPSS output, an APA-style Results section describing the results, and the appropriate graph inserted as a Figure in APA style.
  • For all problems, interpret results based on an alpha level of a = .05.
  • This assignment is worth 90 points.

Please review the SPSS Homework Tutorial in this module for directions on how to run the statistical test, as well as the Results Sections in APA Style presentation, which includes a template for completing an APA-style Results section for a bivariate linear regression analysis. The scenarios begin on the next page.

Text Box: Problem Set 1: Linear Regression Analysis
Research Scenario: A social psychologist is interested in whether the number of days spent in a refugee camp predicts trauma levels in recently resettled refugees. He interviews 17 refugees to determine how many days they spent in a refugee camp before being resettled, then administers the Harvard Trauma Questionnaire Part IV (HTQ Part 4), where a higher score indicates higher levels of trauma (Mollica et al., 1992). He compiles the information in the table below. 
Using this table, enter the data into a new SPSS data file and run a linear regression analysis to test whether number of days in a refugee camp predicts HTQ trauma scores. Create a scatterplot with a regression line to display the relationship between the variables. Follow the directions below the table to complete the homework.
Days Spent in Refugee CampHTQ Part 4 Score
  1. Paste SPSS output.  (10 pts)
  • Write an APA-style Results section based on your analysis. Include your scatterplot as an APA-style Figure, with figure number and title, as demonstrated in the Results Section presentation. (Results = 12 pts; Figure = 8 pts)
Text Box: Problem Set 2: Linear Regression Analysis
Research Scenario: A clinical psychologist is studying the experiences of racial discrimination and anxiety in a sample of 11 Black college students. Specifically, he wants to determine if the number of self-reported experiences of racial discrimination predict anxiety about the future. He asks students to fill out a questionnaire with higher scores indicating a larger number of perceived experiences of racial discrimination. He then administers a questionnaire designed to assess anxiety about the future in four domains: social, professional, health, and financial. Scores on the questionnaire can range from 1 to 30, with higher scores indicating higher anxiety about the future. All data are listed in the table below. 
Using this table, enter the data into a new SPSS data file and run a linear regression analysis to test whether perceived racial discrimination events predict anxiety about the future. Create a scatterplot with a regression line to display the relationship between the variables. Follow the directions below the table to complete the homework.
[Scenario inspired by Sosoo, E.E., Bernard, D.L., and Neblett, E.W., Jr. (2020). The influence of internalized racism on the relationship between discrimination and anxiety. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 26(4), 570-580.]
Perceived Racial Discrimination Total ScoreAnxiety About the Future Total Score
3 2 9 11 4 23 20 5 9 3 26 6 7 19 5 11 21 9 16 4 5
  1. Paste SPSS output.  (10 pts)
  • Write an APA-style Results section based on your analysis. Include your scatterplot as an APA-style Figure, with figure number and title, as demonstrated in the Results Section presentation. (Results = 12 pts; Figure = 8 pts)
Text Box: Problem Set 3: Cumulative Knowledge Question
Research Scenario: A manager would like to determine whether there is a relationship between the amount of time drivers spend driving for Uber ™ and the ratings the drivers receive. She collects information on the overall total length of time spent driving (in hours) and customer ratings of the drivers. Higher scores indicate positive ratings, while lower scores indicate negative ratings, with a range of 1-16. These scores are listed in the table below. 
Using this table, enter the data into a new SPSS data file. Choose the correct analysis (it will be one learned in a previous module) to determine whether there is a relationship between driving experience and customer ratings. Follow the directions below the table to complete this part.
Total Hours of Uber ™ Driving TimeCustomer Rating of Driver
  1. Paste SPSS output.  (10 pts)

Write an APA-style Results section based on your analysis. Include the appropriate graph as an APA-style Figure, with figure number and title, as demonstrated in the Results Section presentation. (Results = 12 pts; Figure = 8 p

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