Create your best practice guidelines for innovation.

This assignment uses the materials from Units 6, 7, and 8 (materials are listed in references noted below). The focus is to use the learning from the four cases studies in Unit 6, add new sources or perspectives in Unit 7, and apply them to a new for-profit publicly traded organization of your choice (but not used so far in this course or BMGT8136) and:

  1. Apply these guidelines to your case study organization. When applying your selected best practices, assess how effective your selected case study organization is in putting the guideline into practice.
  2. Recommend what course of action your case study organization should take. How would you make the innovation better suited to the tastes of the organization?

Your paper should be 3–5 pages, excluding title or reference page. It should be clear, concise, written using APA style, and scholarly. 

Other Requirements

  • Written communication: Must be free of errors, scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for members of the business profession.
  • APA formatting: Your assignment should be formatted according to APA (6th edition) style and format.
  • Length: 3–5 pages, excluding title or reference page. .
  • References: Include two peer-reviewed journal or practitioner journal references, not including the assigned readings.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point.

Please review the Sources, Rules, and Creation of an Innovation Guide Scoring Guide to ensure that you meet the grading criteria for this assignment.

Case Study Materials from Units 6, 7 and 8

  • Birkinshaw, J., Bouquet, C., & Barsoux, J. L. (2011). The 5 myths of innovationMIT Sloan Management Review52(2), 43–50.

Sources, Rules, and Creation of an Innovation Guide Scoring Guide

Due Date: End of Unit 8
Percentage of Course Grade: 35%.

Analyze how effectively a publicly traded for-profit organization applies theories, models, and guidelines of disruptive innovation.
Fails to mention how effectively a publicly traded for-profit organization applies theories, models, and guidelines for disruptive innovation.Outlines how effectively a publicly traded for-profit organization applies theories, models, and guidelines for disruptive innovation.Analyzes how effectively a publicly traded for-profit organization applies theories, models, and guidelines for disruptive innovation.Analyzes how effectively a publicly traded for-profit organization applies theories, models, and guidelines for disruptive innovation. Synthesizes the application for gaps in an exceptionally accurate and impressive manner.
Develop approaches for leading strategic foresight and suggest alternative models of disruptive and value innovation for a publicly traded for-profit organization.
Fails to list approaches for leading strategic foresight and suggesting alternative models of disruptive and value innovation for a publicly traded for-profit organization.Outlines approaches for leading strategic foresight and suggests alternative models of disruptive and value innovation for a publicly traded for-profit organization.Develops approaches for leading strategic foresight and suggests alternative models of disruptive and value innovation for a publicly traded for-profit organization.Develops approaches for leading strategic foresight and suggests alternative models of disruptive and value innovation for a publicly traded for-profit organization. Recommendations are supported with substantial literature and superiority in critical thinking skills is evident.
Create an innovation “cookbook” with best practice guidelines.
Fails to create an innovation “cookbook” with best practice guidelines.Makes a limited attempt at creating an innovation “cookbook” with limited practice guidelines and limited or no supporting theories.Creates an innovation “cookbook” with best practice guidelines.Creates a robust innovation “cookbook” with exceptional clarity of best practice guidelines. Presents and carefully integrates supporting theories and highlighting similarities and differences.
Communicate in a manner expected of doctoral-level composition, including full APA compliance and demonstration of critical thinking skills.
Fails to communicate in a manner expected of doctoral-level composition, including full APA compliance and demonstration of critical thinking skills.Communicates at a basic level in a manner expected of doctoral-level composition and includes partial APA compliance and demonstration of critical thinking skills.Communicates in a manner expected of doctoral-level composition including full APA compliance and demonstration of critical thinking skills.Communicates in a manner expected of doctoral-level composition including full APA compliance and demonstration of critical thinking skills. Communication is exceptionally polished and impressive at a superior level.

Notes from the Professor:

Please refer to the Assignment Guide posted early in the course for overall recommendations on preparing the assignment.

The Week 8 assignment is worth 35% of your course grade.  The intent is for you to look at a for-profit publicly traded organization of your choice, but that you have not used so far in this course or BMGT8136, discussing these areas:

1.            Analyze how effectively a publicly-traded for-profit organization applies theories, models, and guidelines of disruptive innovation.

2.            Develop approaches that they are not currently using for leading strategic foresight and suggest alternative models of disruptive and value innovation for a publicly traded for-profit organization.

Please Note:  If you choose a mega-company such as Apple, Amazon, etc. it will be hard for you to identify a new innovation approach for them.  So try looking at more normal companies.

3.            Create an innovation “cookbook” with best practice guidelines.  The cookbook is, in a real sense, the whole point of this course.  Because Capella is asking what, specifically, you have learned and can apply regarding innovation in a real company.

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