The bulk of your work in this class involves writing short responses to our in-class material. You have a choice of 14 response prompts throughout the class, and you select 4 of these to complete; I recommend doing one a week so you’re not left having to do a lot of them in a short time, but ultimately it’s up to you which ones you choose to complete. Responses should be 500 words, typed, and include at least 1 direct reference to the readings from class, cited using footnotes. This citation generator can help:
What makes an effective response?
- Specificity
- Responses do not need to cover all the assigned material; instead you should choose some particular parts of the reading that you thought were interesting and use that to answer the question.
- Responses do not need to cover all the assigned material; instead you should choose some particular parts of the reading that you thought were interesting and use that to answer the question.
- Focus
- Responses should answer the question asked and maintain focus on answering that question using a few examples from the readings. When writing a response, keep your answer/interpretation of the question rooted in the readings. If you have opinions/anecdotes/connections to other experiences, that’s good stuff to bring to the discussion board.
- Responses should answer the question asked and maintain focus on answering that question using a few examples from the readings. When writing a response, keep your answer/interpretation of the question rooted in the readings. If you have opinions/anecdotes/connections to other experiences, that’s good stuff to bring to the discussion board.
- Depth
- Responses aren’t very long, but an effective response demonstrates sufficient depth by providing information about
a) details (what happened),
b) context (why did it happen at that time?), and
c) impact (what happened as a result/why is it important?)