Part 1: Summary of Current Research:

Written Summary (50 points)

Choose a topic that relates to your professional learning community, it links ideally with your PLC, career path, and search out a specialization if you have one.  It can be on any age span from conception/ birth to late adulthood/death, i.e., the life span groups. 

Use the Library to search a “journal article”. Use the data base filters to preferably discover a “research journal” only and a filter that chooses articles within the last 5-10 years, and finally in a PDF mode to store in your google drive.

 My PLC( Professional Learning Community is : Endings- Death/dying/Grieving Development

Examine the basic values of the Death, dying and grieving process as it relates to the individual dying and the grieving process of the family and the workplace. Theory support into Practice: Kubler-Ross; Alexander Levy’s work on “The Orphaned Adult”

My career path is nursing just in case this information is needed

Written Research Summary

Include the title of the research, author, date, and the name of the research journal; article title, dates, and author if available.

Summarize the main point of the research based on the rubric:

Paragraph 1- Overview,

Paragraph 2- thesis statement of the research,

Paragraph 3- your interest in why you chose the article,

Paragraph 4- in your opinion, how it provides school readiness for the student learner and finally,

Paragraph 5- how this article connects to your career path.

Your written summary needs to respond to these questions in complete paragraphs.  Do not simply answer the questions.   Type your summary in 12-point font double-spaced and submit it to the module in Canvas under “research summary”.

Bibliography- Cite your references within the summary and list your research journal article in APA format along with any other sources you use to summarize your research.


Word Bank of helpful hints:

• Claim: to say that (something) is true or factual
• Position: a point of view; a side of an argument or viewpoint
• Analyze: to study (something) closely and carefully; to learn the nature and relationship of the parts of (something) by a close and careful examination
• Evaluate: to judge the value or condition of (someone or something) in a careful and thoughtful way
• Summary: using few words to give the most important information about a topic

Research Summary Rubric

 Research Summary Rubric
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDescription of criterion50 pts Meets Standards Overview of the research (Ovrvw) o The research connects well to the course subject area with examples and demonstrates clear and concise relationships to the content. Thesis of research (Thesis) o The research link to the field is supported and links to the narrative of the supporting text for which substantiates the importance of the research. The thesis clearly relates to the each paragraphs topic sentences. Research Interest (Intr) o The link of the research to the field is substantiated and examples are used while clearly relating to the study. The link of this research to School readiness and life span development. (Link) o The research linked to the field of study demonstrates connection to the promotion to the field of education and examples are provided while also promoting whole child development. How does the research link to your career path? (Cr Pth) o The student research demonstrates connection to the students field and good examples are used. Additionally, the career path is well connected to how the research connects to use in the field. 44 pts Proficient in Standards Overview of the research (Ovrvw) o The research connects well to the course subject area with examples. Thesis of research (Thesis) o The research link to the field is supported and links to the narrative of the supporting text for which substantiates the importance of the research. Research Interest (Intr) o The link of the research to the field is substantiated and examples are used. The link of this research to School readiness and life span development. (Link) o The research linked to the field of study demonstrates connection to the promotion to the field of education and examples are provided. How does the research link to your career path? (Cr Pth) o The student research demonstrates connection to the students field and good examples are used. 39 pts Basic in Standards Overview of the research (Ovrvw) o The research connects to the course subject area. Thesis of research (Thesis) o The research link to the field is supported and links to the narrative of the supporting text. Research Interest (Intr) o The link of the research to the field is substantiated. The link of this research to School readiness and life span development. (Link) o The research linked to the field of study demonstrates connection to the promotion to the field of education. How does the research link to your career path? (Cr Pth) o The student research demonstrates connection to the field. 33 pts Minimal Standards • Overview of the research (Ovrvw) o The research lacks connection to the course subject area. • Thesis of research (Thesis) o The research link to the field lacks support. • Research Interest (Intr) o The link of the research to the field is not substantiated. • The link of this research to School readiness and life span development. (Link) o The research linked to the field of study demonstrates little connection to the promotion to the field of education. • How does the research link to your career path? (Cr Pth) o The student research demonstrates no connection to the field. 27.5 pts Unmet Standards Unclear connection to the field Unmet objectives, Please See Professor for revision process.50 pts
  This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome4. Evaluate the research on the influence of nature and nurture. Evaluate the research on the influence of nature and nurture. threshold: 3.0 pts5 pts Exceeds Expectations 3 pts Meets Expectations 0 pts Does Not Meet Expectations5 pts
 Total Points: 55


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