The paper will be worth 30 pointsIt may be turned in at any time prior at on Canvas/1533/Assignments/Research Paper.

The title of this quarter’s paper is:


  1. What is the composition and the active ingredients in Gluma?
  2. How does Gluma act as a disinfectant and desensitizing agent?
  3. How long do the effects of Gluma last and why?
  4. What effects does Gluma have on pulpal cells?
  5. In which clinical scenarios would you not want to use Gluma?

Guidelines for this literature review have been adapted from Production Guidelines for the Journal of Dental Education and must be followed for all papers submitted. 


  1. Documents must be double-spaced throughout, and pages numbered consecutively.
  2. Total word count between 1000 and 1500 words.

The word count does not include references, citations or titles (sub-titles/headings will count).

  • Papers submitted should be prepared in the following sections, each beginning on a new page
  1. Title page
  2. Text
  3. References
  4. The document must be formatted with margins of at least 1 inch (25 mm) and left justified with paragraphs indented with the tab key, not the space bar.
  • Tables (not required)

Tables must be submitted in a Word document (.doc) file separate from the main document.

Do not embed tables and figures in the body of the text but place them after the references; include callouts for each table or figure in the text (e.g., see Table 1). Unless tables vary significantly in size, include all in one document.

If any figures are large files, submit them as separate documents.

  • Title page

Must include:

The title of the research paper, which should be concise but descriptive, must be limited to 15 words and no more than 150 characters

First name, middle initial and last name of each author, with his or her professional and/or graduate degrees (if no professional or graduate degrees, provide undergraduate degree)

  • Text

Must follow American (rather than British) English spelling and punctuation style.

Numbers from one to ninety-nine must be spelled out, with the exception of percentages, fractions, equations, numbered lists and Likert scale numbers.

The body of the manuscript should be divided into sections preceded by appropriate subheadings. Major subheadings should be typed in capital letters at the left-hand margin.

Secondary subheadings should appear at the left-hand margin, be typed in upper and lower case and be boldfaced.

Tertiary subheadings should be typed in upper and lower case and be underlined.

Examples of Heading Format:


Secondary Subheading

Tertiary Subheading

For authors whose first language is not English, please use a medical writer or a native English-speaking colleague to edit the manuscript prior to final submission.

  • References

There must be at least 8 references from peer reviewed journals with an impact factor of >1.0. A list of dentistry category journals by impact factor is posted at the end of these instructions. This is not a comprehensive list. Students may use references from journals not on the list. References must be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text. Each source should have one number, so be careful not to repeat sources in the reference list. References must be identified by Arabic numerals and placed in the text as superscript numerals within or at the end of the sentence.

Do not enclose the numerals in parentheses and be sure to follow American rather than British or European style conventions (e.g., the reference number follows rather than precedes commas and periods).

References should not be linked to their numbers as footnotes or endnotes and references to tables and figures should appear as a source note with the table/figure, not numbered consecutively with the references for the article.

Do not use italics or boldface anywhere in the references.

If the publication has one to four authors, list all of them; if there are more than four authors, list the first three followed by et al.

Follow the style of these general Index Medicus style examples:


  1. Avery JK. Essentials of oral histology and embryology: a clinical approach. 2nd ed. St. Louis: Mosby, 2000.

Chapter in an Edited Volume

  1. Inglehart MR, Filstrup SL, Wandera A. Oral health and quality of life in children. In: Inglehart MR, Bragramian RA, eds. Oral health-related quality of life. Chicago: Quintessence Publishing Co., 2002:79-88.

Article in a Journal

  1. Seale NS, Casamassimo PS. U.S. predoctoral education in pediatric dentistry: its impact on access to dental care. J Dent Educ 2003;67(1):23-9.


  1. Commission on Dental Accreditation. Accreditation standards for dental education programs. Chicago: American Dental Association, 2010.

Web Source

  1. American Dental Hygienists’ Position paper: access to care. 2001. At: Accessed:  November 27, 2012.

Grading Rubric

Grading criteria is subjective but with the following guidelines:

  • 0-60%- Copy another’s work or plagiarism, or the majority of the paper is quoted words of other authors, or no coherent flow or minimal effort in answering the objectives.
    • 75% maximum- missing 2 of the requirements/objectives or poorly written, poor grammar
    • 85% maximum- missing 1 of the requirements/objectives or poorly written, minimum understanding of subject matter
    • 94% maximum- All requirements met, good understanding and effort (subjective)
    • 95-99%- All requirements met, clear understanding and evidence supports conclusion (subjective)
    • 100%- All requirements met, excellent understanding, evidence supports conclusion, above and beyond (subjective)

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