Length: 1500-2000 words, in addition to a bibliography/works cited page
Formatting: Double –spaced, 12-pt font, Arial or Times New Roman Font
Bibliography: a minimum of 3 academic sources; preferably peer-reviewed publications and books. One of these must be a book reference. These academic sources are in addition to your textbook/weekly readings/lectures. Do not use Wikipedia as an Internet source.

Construct an argument to answer ONE of the following three questions:

Identify one of the religions covered in this course that emphasizes behavior/deeds over adherence to creeds/beliefs/spiritual experiences in our current era. Then, compare it to another religion that you interpret as emphasizing the opposite, i.e., creeds/beliefs/spiritual experiences over behavior/deeds. Explain the reasons for such possible differences in emphases by exploring underlying sociological and historical themes. What were major world events or cultural developments that may have led each of these religions to emphasize each of these particular aspects over the other?

How your paper will be graded:

The assignment will be evaluated based on: Research, Style, and Argument

Research refers to the information in your paper. Is it correct? Is it detailed? Do you demonstrate basic knowledge of the religious tradition from which the concept is taken? Is this knowledge evident in your description? You must use at least three academic sources in your paper. One of them must be a book reference.

Style refers to how that information is presented. This includes the way the information is organized and language skills such as spelling, grammar, and proper sentence structure.

Argument refers to the quality of your analysis, how well you support your

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