Reflective piece- the focus is on professional development. (write in 1st person) .
Use the different placement settings to reflect on differences in the social work role, particularly the use of professional power and authority. ( My placement setting is reviewing service users’ care plans in different Nursing care homes to determine if their needs are being met or not and areas of improvement for the care homes, for example, menus, medication, turnover of staff, training, etc
Draw on a small number of case examples.
Points to consider
– Engage critically with power as a concept.
– Fateful moments or light bulb moments (what’s that fateful moment when you realised things like the use of power/authority? To identify a few moments, either positive/negative
– How did you identify those moments?
– What identity work have I done so far?
– How comfortable I am with the power of being a social worker?
– How did I deal with angry clients or family? 
– What social work theories are you comfortable using in developing your professional identity?
– Decisions you were involved in/observed

Critically reflect on where I come from, where I am, and how I am developing my professional identity.

Write in the narrative. The story should be believable, authentic, and validated to be real.

Most importantly write a professional development reflective account, how I have grown since starting my training as a social worker till now process of my development. those light bulb moment that changes my perspectives and shaped my growth. ( with small case study examples)

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