Reducing Turnover at Rosemont Center” on page 181. Upon thorough review of the case, you will then answer the 2 questions regarding the case on page 181. It is not sufficient to state your opinions alone; you must be able to backup your responses by applying human resource management concepts from the text with the case data that supports your findings. Expected response length is 3 sentences per question. Please restate the question or questions you are answering in your own words within the case study. See the questions below.
1. Did the social services nature of this organization make the turnover situation any different than a private company? Why or why not?.
2. Have you seen similar efforts occur in places where you have worked? Describe them and comment on their success in that context. What could have been done differently?
Metal Recycling Executive Attempts to Salvage Martha Stewart Living case on page 174. Upon thorough review of the case, you will then answer the five questions regarding the case. It is not sufficient to state your opinions alone; you must be able to backup your responses by applying leadership concepts from the text with the case data that supports your findings. Expected response length is 3 sentences per question. Please restate the question you are answering in your case study. See the questions below.
1. To what extent do you think Dan Dienst was facing a crisis leadership situation when he was appointed the CEO of the Martha Stewart company?
2. So what leadership steps should Dienst take to begin “rolling up his sleeves?”
3. What steps do you recommend that Dienst take to avoid becoming another senior executive who departs the company?
4. What situational factors might make running a media and merchandise business quite different from running a metal recycling company?
5. Based on current media reports, how successful has Dienst been in turning around MSLO?

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