Using Test Driven Development


You were hired to implement usingJava a Train system simulation, designed by a developer who suddenly left the team. You are provided with the design specification document (Project6-Train-SDS.doc) and unit test suite ( You are to assume that design description is correct for what each class and method is supposed to do and so are the JUnit tests and your Java code is supposed to match them.


You must implement the system using the given design and make sure that all the unit tests pass against your code. Your program must implement the complete design to include all the classes, methods, constructors, constants, and attributes, and the input and output specification exactly. You cannot redesign or change the system.


  • Create a new project in Eclipse and import the unit tests ( and data files into your projects src. Add JUnit library to your Eclipse project
  • Note that you will have syntax errors in the tests until you create all the classes
  • The unit test suite is divided into the basic and advanced tests for each Java class.
  • You should first implement (for each class) the attributes, constants, and empty methods (method signatures) to pass the basic tests.
  • Then you should start implementing each method running the appropriate tests against it.
  • To run an individual test, highlight the test method name, right click on it, select “Run As” and select “JUnit Test”
  • Train’s simulate method has been implemented for you. Copy and paste the code in simulate.txt to your Train class.
  • Run the code and unit tests against them until all defects are fixed
  • For default file tests under TestSimulatorAdvanced you will need to run them individually with and without that file being on your system (C:/train/customer-data.txt). Check comments for tests which tests require the file and which not
  • Once all the unit tests are working, create a sample input file and run the program with it. Capture the screenshot of the output
  • Warning: If you use Scanner for reading console and/or file, do not close it because when you try to use again it will not work.


Proj6-MSIT660-GradingCriteria.doc – lists the grading criteria

You can use any code examples under My Course Content->Code Examples


  • Your program files – all .java files  (one java file per class)
  • Sample data file – data.txt
  • Output screenshot – paste into Word doc – your-name-Output.docx

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