In the practical classes you will have attempted to prepare cells for karyotype analysis and to observe chromosomal spreads using a simple dye based technique, Giemsa staining.
For the assessment you are asked to complete the following:
- Write a summary of the practicals to explain the methods used. This is not asking you to reproduce the protocol but to give an overview of the method and explain the purpose of each procedure achieved. One example would be the treatment of cells with 0.056M KCl.
- Write a summary of the results obtained, both your own results and those of the class. Include images, which should be fully labelled and described.
- Comment on the usefulness of the procedures used in the class for detection of genetic disease; what are the limitations and what alternative methods are possible.
- Comment on the usefulness of genome sequencing in the management of genetic disease.
The word limit is 1000. You are advised to write about 250 words for each question.