After reading the article on “Political Correctness” (PC), take a position on the following by writing 150-words on your position along with reasons (evidence) as to whether or not we (society) go too far or not far enough in demanding change. 
There are dozens (if not hundreds) of examples where a group of people are “offended” by someone or something and they demand change. Below are just three that come to mind but you can use any example that you can find. Select one example and discuss whether or not we should accept the situation as “history” (meaning no change) or interpret it as offensive and fight for change. 
1. Controversial statues (e.g. Robert E. Lee, Christopher Columbus) – should they stay because they represent history or be removed because they represent controversy? Or by keeping them does that send the wrong message?
2. Should teams like Washington Redskins change their name? How does a name harm a group of people and/or a community?
3. Lin-Manuel Moranda’s apologizes for lack of Afro-Latinx actors in “In the Heights” movie. Lin-Manuel Miranda Apologizes 

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