A shift in paradigm is occurring across the United States from volume- to value-based care. Reflect upon your organizational culture to address the following.

  • Describe the culture of your organization as it relates to patient safety.
  • Identify one opportunity to improve patient safety outcomes. Propose a strategy for the implementation of this improvement initiative.
  • Describe the current technology used to support patient safety. Identify the potential unintended consequences of this technology. Propose solutions to address these potential consequences.
  • Describe an incident in which patient safety was or had the potential to be compromised due to an emphasis on volume-based care.

Please read the question carefully to understand all the components. Then respond in a scholarly manner following the Graduate Discussion Grading Guidelines and Rubric while adhering to APA guidelines. Our interactive discussion addresses the following course outcomes:

CO 2: Use information technology to collect and analyze data to generate evidence-based nursing practice across healthcare settings. (PO7) (DNP Essentials IV; DNP/C: I-III)

CO 3: Design programs that monitor and evaluate outcomes of care, care systems, and quality improvement. (PO7) (DNP Essentials IV; DNP/C: I-III)

CO 4: Evaluate the types of healthcare information systems, knowledge-based systems, and patient care technology and the impact on patient safety, quality of care and outcome measurement. (PO7) (DNP Essentials IV; DNP/C: I-III).

Consider your own experiences as well as the literature. I am looking forward to your discussions.

Reflection on Learning

Reflective inquiry allows for expansion in self-awareness, identification of knowledge gaps, and assessment of learning goals. Each week, you will reflect upon what you have learned and complete a reflective journal assignment: Reflection on Learning. Each weekly reflection is placed in one document, which will be submitted for grading at the end of Week 7. There is no weekly reflection in Week 8 because a reflection is incorporated into the discussion question. Please review the Reflection Guidelines and Rubric for complete assignment requirements. Create a document where you will keep your weekly reflection.

Reflect upon your Week 5 learning journey in NR706 and consider the following  two paragraphs:

  • As you assess your learning, provide one specific example of how you achieved the weekly objectives.
  • How might you use this week’s information to benefit your organization and staff in your future role as a DNP practice scholar?
  • What do you value most about your learning this week?

You’re making tremendous progress in learning about nursing informatics! This leg of the journey will deepen your exploration of value-based healthcare. Moving from a volume- to value-based system of care involves a paradigmatic shift that challenges the underlying assumptions of stakeholders about how healthcare is delivered and by whom. This paradigmatic shift involves evaluating patient safety and quality-of-care interventions, which encompasses HIT applications and governmental regulations. You will learn that the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act or MACRA, was signed into law in 2015, which brought to an end many payment incentive schemes. As a new bill, MACRA established two payment incentive programs: the Merit-Based Incentive Payment System or MIPS and the Alternative Payment Model or APM program. Ultimately, the goal of MACRA is to stimulate the transition to a value-based health care system through payment incentives. This week is an important step in your journey toward becoming an effective leader capable of building value-based systems of healthcare. I know you’re ready to make that step, so let’s get started!

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