Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL)

Operational Art & Design Exam


The purpose of this exam is to assess your understanding of Operational Art and Design.  Each of your six essay style responses answers should be no longer than 250 words in length (double-spaced, 11-point type). The exceptions are the CoG (center of gravity) matrices whose justifications may be on separate sheets.  Upload your exam answers in the C502 test area on Blackboard at the end of C500.

General Instructions

  • This exam consists of six questions.
  • This exam is an open book assessment and is worth 35% of your C500 Block grade. It is due at the end of C500.
  • The case study can be read directly from Blackboard or downloaded from the C502 Exam Case Study link on Blackboard.
  • Use only the case study for situational information. 
  • Do not reproduce the question. Simply annotate the number of the question you are answering.
  • Instructors may only answer administrative questions.
  • All work must be yours alone. Do not to discuss this problem or answers with anyone else. 
  • Do not copy, reproduce, or share this exam.
Upload your document into the Exam area on Blackboard when complete.   Note: Save your Operational Art & Design exam using the following file naming convention per ST 22-2 (p. 18): Last Name_First Name_Block/Module/Course_Assignment.File Extension   Example: Brown_David_Op_Art_Design_Exam.docx


REQUIREMENT VALUE                                       POINTS AWARDED

1.                            20                   _

2.                                         20                   _

3.                                         20                   _

4.                                         15                  _

5.                                         15                   _

6.                                         10                  _

TOTAL:               /100 GRADE: _______


JP 5-0, Joint Planning, states that the operational approach is a commander’s description of the broad actions the force can take to achieve an objective in support of the national objective or attain a military end state.  The operational approach is based largely on an understanding of the Operational Environment and the problems facing the Joint Force Commander.  As part of developing operational approaches and refining joint and campaign plans, commanders and their staffs can use operational design. 

Answer the following six questions on the operational approach and elements of operational design developed for Desert Shield/Desert Storm as described in the attached case study.

1. (20 pts) After Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait in 1990, President Bush made clear that the invasion would not stand.  His political policy statements identified four national strategic objectives:

1. Immediate, complete and unconditional withdrawal of all Iraqi forces from Kuwait.

2. Restoration of Kuwait’s legitimate government.

3. Security and stability of Saudi Arabia and the Persian Gulf.

4. Safety and protection of the lives of American citizens abroad.

Which one of the four national strategic objectives listed above best establish the military (Operational) end state during Operation Desert Shield?  Justify your selection.

2. (20 pts) Using the information provided in the case study, what was General Schwarzkopf’s primary military problem or obstacle that had to be overcome to reach the military endstate during Operation Desert Storm?  Explain your answer.

3. (20 pts) 3a. Justify the selection of the Republican Guard Force Command (RGFC) as an Iraqi operational COG during Operation Desert Storm.

3b. Conduct the critical factor analysis to support your justification. Include two critical capabilities, two Critical Requirements, and two Critical Vulnerabilities in your justification. Explain your answer.

OP Desert Storm CoG Analysis Iraqi Operational Level Forces
Critical Capabilities (Minimum of 2)   Center of Gravity (Maximum of 1)        CoG: Republican Guard Force Command 
Critical Requirements (Minimum of 2)Critical Vulnerabilities (Minimum of 2)


4. (15 pts) USCENTCOM planners identified the deployment and reception of US forces into theater as a key concern. Describe three specific challenges with the deployment and reception of US forces into theater, using information from the case study

5. (15 pts) An Element of Operational Design is “Arranging Operations.”  JP 5-0 states that this arrangement often combines simultaneous and sequential operations to reach the end state conditions in Operation Desert Storm.  Describe and explain how “Arranging Operations” was applied in the campaign design from the case study.

6. (10 pts) Select two additional elements of operational design, (not described in previous answers) and explain how they were applied in the campaign design from the case study.

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