Directions for the Research Critique

  • Choose either the qualitative or quantitative article provided in Moodle.  Using the heading format below, type your answers directly below each heading (p. 62 of your APA manual will explain how to use headings in APA format).  DO NOT NUMBER THE ANSWERS.  WRITE THE ANSWERS AS IF WRITING AN APA STYLE PAPER. Make sure to include all group member names on the title page. 
  • Note that some of the items have two or more parts; all parts in each item must be addressed to earn full credit.
  • When answering items, use the content in the study itself, not in the abstract. Full credit will not be earned if content from the abstract is used.
  • You should work with your small group of 4-5 people only.  Each group should submit only onecritique.  Group members will receive the same grade regardless of contribution.
  • This paper should have a properly formatted title page.
  • Include an introduction and a conclusion.  HINT: Remember that in APA the introduction does not require a heading since it is common knowledge that the first paragraph is an introduction.  The conclusion, however, will require a heading.  You do not need to provide an abstract.
  • The completed document MUST include APA-style in-text citations AND a reference page.
  • If you are using direct quotes, be sure to cite correctly.  Refer to your APA manual for correct formatting (this manual will save your life, so use it).

Substantive Aspect

1.      Quote the purpose statement or research question of your study. Then, briefly discuss whether or not you think the purpose was clearly stated.

2.      Identify the problem, background, scope, any knowledge gaps, consequences, and purpose statement within the literature review.  You can provide a direct quote for each section of the problem statement or paraphrase, just use the correct parenthetical citation. 

Theoretical Aspect

3.      Identify whether the authors did or did not specify a theoretical or conceptual framework for the study. Then, discuss whether you think their use/non-use of a theory or framework added to the value of the study.

Ethical Aspect

4.      Identify whether any permission/approval from an IRB or similar review committee was received prior to the beginning of the study. If no IRB/review committee approval was received, discuss the significance of this omission.

5.      Did you think that the researchers were careful to protect the study participants from harm, discomfort, violation of privacy, or psychological stress? Why or why not?

6.      What consent procedures (if any) were used, and were they appropriate? Be sure to address whether “informed consent” or “process consent” was used and whether it was appropriate for your quantitative/qualitative study.

Methodological Aspect

7.      Identify which research design was used in the study. Provide a rationale for your answer.

8.      Complete whichever one of the following is appropriate for your study:

         For experimental studies: identify the 3 hallmarks of an experimental study report if they are present in the study.

         For quasi-experimental studies: identify which of the 3 hallmarks of an experimental study were present or if any were lacking in your study.

For non-experimental studies: identify the “naturally occurring group” used in the study, and briefly explain if an experimental/quasi-experimental study could have been conducted with this group instead.

For qualitative studies: discuss whether the specific qualitative design used in your study lends itself to a thorough, in-depth, intensive examination of the phenomenon of interest.

9.      Identify the eligibility criteria for inclusion of participants in the study, and briefly discuss whether you think the criteria were clearly stated.

10.    Which of the eight sampling procedures discussed in class did the authors utilize? Briefly describe this procedure.

11.    Discuss, with rationale, the adequacy/inadequacy of the number of subjects/participants used in the study.

Interpretive Aspect

12.    What steps did the researchers take in their data analysis? That is, what did they do?

For qualitative studies: How did the researchers try to substantiate the themes they arrived

at from their data? Do you think they were successful at substantiating those themes? Why

or why not?

13.    Identify what the authors said were the:

         a.      limitations of the study, and

         b.      implications of the study


Polit, D., & Beck, C. (2020). Essentials of Nursing Research: Appraising Evidence for Nursing Practice (9th ed.). Lippincott.

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