Candidates who successfully complete a building-level educational leadership preparation program understand and demonstrate the capacity to promote the current and future success and well-being of each student and adult by applying the knowledge, skills, and commitments necessary to understand and demonstrate the capacity to advocate for ethical decisions and cultivate and enact professional norms.

Program completers understand and demonstrate the capacity to reflect on, communicate about, cultivate, and model professional dispositions and norms (i.e., fairness, integrity, transparency, trust, digital citizenship, collaboration, perseverance, reflection, lifelong learning) that support the educational success and well-being of each student and adult.
Component 2.2 (COMMUNICATION)
Program completers understand and demonstrate the capacity to evaluate, communicate about, and advocate for ethical and legal decisions.
Component 2.3 (ETHICAL BEHAVIOR)
Program completers understand and demonstrate the capacity to model ethical behavior in their personal conduct and relationships and to cultivate ethical behavior in others.
Acceptable Candidate Performance for Building Level Leadership – NELP Standard Component 2.1
Content KnowledgeEducational Leadership Skills
Program provides evidence of candidate knowledge of: • Professional norms (i.e., integrity, competency, fairness, transparency, trust, equity, democracy, digital citizenship, diversity, inclusiveness, and the belief that each child can learn), which support student success and well-being • Practices that reflect professional norms • Approaches to cultivating professional norms in others • Reflective practiceProgram provides evidence that candidates demonstrate skills required to: • Engage in reflective practice as a professional norm • Cultivate professional norms among school staff members • Communicate professional norms to diverse constituencies • Model professional norms (i.e., integrity, competency, fairness, transparency, trust, equity, democracy, digital citizenship, diversity, inclusiveness, and the belief that each child can learn)
Acceptable Candidate Performance for Building Level Leadership – NELP Standard Component 2.2
Content KnowledgeEducational Leadership Skills
Program provides evidence of candidate knowledge of: • Research on decision making • Decision-making processes • Guidelines for ethical and legal decision makingProgram provides evidence that candidates demonstrate skills required to: • Evaluate ethical dimensions of issues • Analyze decisions in terms of established ethical frameworks • Develop a communication plan to advocate for ethical decisions
Acceptable Candidate Performance for Building Level Leadership – NELP Standard Component 2.3
Content KnowledgeEducational Leadership Skills
Content Knowledge Program provides evidence of candidate knowledge of: • Ethical practice • Approaches to cultivating ethical behavior in othersProgram provides evidence that candidates demonstrate skills required to:  • Formulate a school-level ethical leadership platform • Model ethical practice  • Cultivate ethical behavior in others

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