Before posting to the discussion, please complete the Qualitative and Quantitative Worksheets.  These will not be graded, they are for your own reference and will be helpful when posting to the discussion.

Please use your assigned readings and your completed worksheet to discuss the following questions

  • Please review the article ” Parents’ Use of Praise and Criticism in a Sample of Young Children Seeking Mental Health Services” in your Polit and Beck text pages 331-332 Appendix A (only the first two pages).
  • Discuss what research method and design was used and if it supports the research questions.
  • Please review the article “Posttraumatic Growth After Birth Trauma: I Was Broken. Now I Am Unbreakable” in your Polit and Beck text pages 340-341. Appendix B (only the first two pages).
  • Discuss what research method and design was used and if it supports the research purpose.
  • Which method of research (Quantitative or Qualitative) and which research design under that specific method would you use to answer your PICO question? Please provide details.


Polit, F. D., & Beck, T. C. (2022). Essentials of nursing research: Appraising evidence for nursing practice (10th ed.). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

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