For the Milestone Two activity, you will submit this completed worksheet in which you will outline and identify the elements below regarding your chosen environmental issue. See the Final Project Guidelines and Rubric document for more detailed information. Be sure to integrate any feedback you received from your instructor from Milestone One.

For this milestone worksheet assignment, complete the following:

  1. Download this Milestone Two Worksheet document.
  2. Review the Milestone Two Rubric.
  3. Complete the nine parts below that address the critical elements.

NOTE: Refer to your module resources as well as additional resources you identify for information to help you answer the questions below. Remember that you will need to use current APA style guidelines for your citations and reference list in the final project submission. You will note that each question in the worksheet has you track your citations.

You do not need to provide long answers to the questions. You should be concise, writing 3- to 4-sentence responses. Once you receive feedback from your instructor, you will expand on your answers to complete the final paper at the end of the course.

Part II: Human Impact

Ecological Processes 
Explain how human activities directly and indirectly impact the related ecological processes. Support your explanation with examples. Include citations for your resources using APA guidelines as needed.
Explain how human activities in your local community directly and indirectly impact the related ecological processes. Support your explanation with examples. Include citations for your resources using APA guidelines as needed.

Part III: Potential Solutions

Potential Solutions 
Identify potential solutions that have been proposed by the scientific community for mitigating the environmental issue, and briefly describe each. Include citations for your resources using APA guidelines as needed.
Explain the advantages and disadvantages of each proposed solution. Support your explanation with scientific facts. Include citations for your resources using APA guidelines as needed.
Briefly describe how human behavior would have to change in order for the solutions to be effective. Support your description with specific examples. Include citations for your resources using APA guidelines as needed.

Part IV: Reducing Personal Impact

Reducing Personal Impact 
Identify your personal habits and daily activities that impact the ecological processes related to the larger environmental issue and describe the impact of each habit or activity.
Based on the ecological impact of your previously identified habits and activities, describe how your daily life impacts the larger environmental issue.
Prioritize your previously identified habits and daily activities by which have the greatest impact on the environmental issue. Support your prioritization with scientific evidence.
Based on your prioritization, list three strategies that will help mitigate the negative environmental impacts of the top three personal habits and daily activities you have identified. For each strategy, you must do the following: Explain how the corresponding habit or activity will be altered by the strategy. Support your explanation with specific examples.
Based on your prioritization, list three strategies that will help mitigate the negative environmental impacts of the top three personal habits and daily activities you have identified. For each strategy, you must do the following: Explain how your use of this strategy and corresponding changes in your personal life will contribute to the previously identified potential scientific solutions. Support your explanation with scientific facts.

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