10% of marks are awarded for satisfactory use of language and/or good presentation.5% of marks are awarded for satisfactory referencing and/or presentation of a bibliography where either is required. Note that all referenced work should be obtained from credible sources.Students should make correct use of the Harvard referencing method.
Learning Outcomes Tested in this Assignment : Design a structured plan which supports the introduction of an environmental strategy organizational aim within in a team, departmental, functional or overall context
Assessment CriteriaMarks AwardedMarks Available
1Clear identification of goal/area of poster focus – ie. the current situation/scenario within the business.  This provides context and should incorporate a strategic aim 20
2Stages of the plan – clear and sequential   15
3Illustration of change in practice – the anticipated/intended improvement or change and potential benefits (from a to b) 30
4Use of credible sources (standards) and supporting theory (academic) are incorporated into the design of the poster   20
5  The work is presented to a professional and business-like standard. International business English that is applied throughout.   15

MBA (On-line) – Emphasising the Environment – Assignment 2


ISO26000 supports the implementation of the ambitious United Nations 15-year plan which incorporates clear sustainable development goals.  Selection of one or two goals which are clearly identified and relevant is recommended to achieve a degree of depth that would be expected at post-graduate level.

Assignment Brief   (Poster: overall 45% of modular assessments)

Design a poster which communicates the range of potential benefits derived from introducing an environmental management plan, to a senior management team, within an organization that you are familiar with and have access to.  The plan should clearly draw on aspects of relevant national or international standards

Guidance notes:

This assignment presents you with an opportunity to be creative and novel, in addition to incorporating a representation of the theory you have been studying during the middle weeks of this module.  One approach which you may consider is to research the aims and content of ISO26000 and focus on illustrating an aspect that is of particular interest to you.  Linking this with a specific sector or organization that you are familiar with should enable you to incorporate a solution to a problem.  Reflecting on where the poster could be displayed within an organization, at add value and relevance are additional aspects to consider – and answer the question: does this attract attention, would people stop and read your poster?  Why?  In terms of visual content it is easy to produce a busy poster that is difficult to read – consider the phrase: less is more in your design.

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