Make up a case:

First Part:
 Detailed family history of both nuclear family and spouses’ families of origin (who, what, where, when, and how)
Second Part:

Clearly defined presenting problem (who, what, where, when, and how) –

Third Part:
Intervention strategy that demonstrates knowledge and skill in the application of a model of your choosing ( who, what, where, when, and how)

Thought this would be helpful as you begin work on your papers

Let’s write a case study with a detailed history of both husband and wife.  The family consists of three children, ages 16. 13, and 7.

  • Discuss a family of origin from both husband and wife.  Make up family of origin .
  • Develop presenting problems from the family of origin that the family is dealing with in the couple’s subsystem, parenting subsystem , and the sibling subsystem
  • Utilize Salvador Minuchin Structural family system’s therapy and techniques to help this family. 
  • Use Research material (journal articles throughout case study to justify).

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