Complete this assignment after reading the materials for this module. All responses should be written in your own words. Do not copy from the book, the web, or other sources.

A.   Online Research

Use your favorite search engine to locate three popular password manager applications.

Then use the table below to document the three password managers you will research for this assignment. All responses should be written in your own words. Do not copy from the book, the web, or others.

Password Manager NameWeb Address

List the resources or references used to locate these password managers.


B.   Features

Use the table below to document the features of your password managers. In the price column, enter the individual price for one person purchasing the software. In the security column, note any special security features the password manager offers. In the sharing column, note any options for sharing the passwords stored in the password manager. For the compatibility column, note which Web browsers the password manager is compatible with. In the last column, note any additional features you learn about through your research or your personal experience.

NamePriceSecuritySharingCompatibilityAdditional Features

C.    Preference

Respond below with at least 12 complete sentences about which of the password managers you prefer. You can base this on your personal preference and/or the comparison table in section B above or any other reasons you’d like to share. This should be at least 3 paragraphs and 12 complete sentences.

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