For this assignment, interview a credentialed (i.e., licensed, certified, or endorsed) practicing school counselor and write a reflection paper based on your interview.

Part 1: Interview Questions

Create your own interview questions, but be certain you include the following topics:

  • School counselor’s role in developing, implementing, and evaluating a comprehensive school counseling program.
  • Advocacy supporting the needs of diverse populations.
  • The various roles and responsibilities of the school counselor, including work in each of the following:
  • Individual and group counseling for academic and personal issues.
  • Career counseling and comprehensive career development. What models do they use to approach this school-wide and individually?
  • Peer helping or peer intervention programs.
  • Classroom lessons.
  • School counselor’s roles in school leadership and multidisciplinary teams.
  • Relationships and collaboration between the school counselor and stakeholders (e.g., teachers, administration, parents, community members).
  • Professional experiences of the school counselor, including involvement with professional associations, continuing education, and experience with the licensure/credentialing process, including the process of supervision during fieldwork and consultation with other school counselors after graduation.

Reflection Paper

Once you complete your interview, write a reflection paper incorporating what you have learned from the interviewee into your knowledge base. In your reflection paper, address each of the following topics:

  • Examine your understanding of the scope of the school counselor role and responsibilities, and of the comprehensive school counseling program, subsequent to the interview. Compare and contrast the knowledge gained in the interview with the information you’ve learned in reading the course materials and other scholarly literature. Reflect on the awareness gained and what additional questions may have expanded your understanding.
  • Describe how counseling services are delivered in your interviewee’s school environment. How does the school program respond to the academic, career, and personal-social development concerns of the student or student body? What peer helping programs are in place?
  • Analyze the level of collaboration that exists between the interviewed stakeholders and the school counseling program. Propose strategies that could be utilized to improve collaboration.
  • Include a summary of your experience in conducting the interview, and any conclusions you would draw regarding the profession of school counseling.

Attach a copy of your interview questions for your instructor’s reference.

Assignment Requirements

Your assignment should meet the following requirements:

  • Length: 6–8 double-spaced pages, excluding the cover page and references list. Include page numbers, headings, and running headers.
  • References: Minimum of five current, peer-reviewed references.
  • Format: Use current APA style and formatting, paying particular attention to citations and references.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

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