Pick two of the following three topics and prepare separate 1.5-2-page essays. It is expected that you will engage in independent research and locate and use articles and materials from sources you locate through the library, internet searches, or other sources.

  1. How does synthetic aperture radar work and what advantages does it have over optical imagery, provide real-life cases and examples to demonstrate your points?
  • What is Foreign Material Exploitation and what purpose does it serve? Choose one real-life example of FME and describe that collection operation’s purpose, methods, and challenges.
  • What type of collection activities would support medical intelligence? Research and choose one real-life example of medical intelligence and describe that operation’s purpose, methods, and challenges.

Please use the assigned course readings. To earn points, you MUST demonstrate that you’ve read and comprehended the content of the material linked below!

Further, it is expected that you will engage in independent research and locate and use articles and materials from sources you locate through the library, internet searches, or other sources.



Remote Sensing Fundamentals

GEOINT Basic Doctrine (includes a discussion of imagery collection)

Principles of Remote Sensing book: http://www.itc.nl/library/papers_2009/general/PrinciplesRemoteSensing.pdf


SAR article: Introduction to SAR

Youtube primer, Synthetic Aperture Radar: Of Bats and Flying Pianos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-YICKbcC-A

Materials exploitation

AF FME article: http://www.nasic.af.mil/DesktopModules/ArticleCS/Print.aspx?PortalId=19&ModuleId=3225&Article=1010245


Medical Intelligence

Article about NCMI: https://www.afio.com/publications/CLEMENTE%20Pages%20from%20INTEL_FALLWINTER2013_Vol20_No2.pdf


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