Integumentary, Skeletal, Muscular, and Nervous Systems Video

Integumentary System


  1. List the organs and functions of the integumentary system (see Body Systems PowerPoint). 
  2. What is the difference between the dermis and epidermis in location?
  3. What is the difference between the dermis and epidermis in function?

Bones and Skeletal System


  1. List the organs and functions of the skeletal system.
  2. Identify two ways muscles attach to bone and draw an example of each. 
  3. Explain how the skeletal system and the muscular system are connected to each other in both structure and function.

Muscular System


1.      List the organs and functions of the muscular system.
  • There are two other types of muscles in the body besides skeletal muscles.  Identify both of these and give an example of where each might be found.

Nervous System


  1. List the functions of the nervous system.
  2. Differentiate between the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system.

Bones of the Body Video

Describe the general locations of the following bones in the body:

  1. Phalanges
  2. Metatarsals
  3. Tarsals
  4. Tibia
  5. Fibula
  6. Femur
  7. Pelvis
  8. Sacrum
  9. Lumbar vertebrae
  10. Thoracic vertebrae
  11. Ribs
  12. Sternum
  13. Cervical vertebrae
  14. Cranium
  15. Mandible
  16. Maxillary
  17. Palate
  18. Clavicle
  19. Scapula
  20. Humorous
  21. Ulna
  22. Radius
  23. Carpals
  24. Metacarpals

Muscles of the Body Video

Describe the general locations of the following muscles in the body:

  1. Sternocleidomastoid
  2. Deltoid
  3. Pectoralis
  4. Gastrocnemius           
  5. External oblique
  6. Biceps brachii
  7. Triceps brachii
  8. Latissimus dorsi
  9. Hamstrings
  10. Rectus abdominus
  11. Intercostal muscles    
  12. Gluteus maximus
  13. Achilles tendon
  14. Quadriceps
  15. Trapezius
  16. Brachioradialis
  17. Tibialis anterior

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