Assignment Objectives: Annotated Bibliography

Instructions: Your example must come from an Evidence-Based Nursing Journal and also appropriate for the subject Nursing Leadership. This assignment is to be completed individually. Assignment components should be submitted as directed by your instructor.  Refer to rubric for further instructions and details.

Resources: APA (7th ed.) formatting is required for this assignment. Student resources for APA, Writing Basics, Grammar/Mechanics for ESL, and Library Assistance are located at the end of this rubric. 

  Category  Description/ ExpectationsVery Good 90% – 100%Good 80% – 89%Fair 70% – 79%Poor Under 70%Total
Source   7.5                    Cited resource comes from an Evidenced-Based Nursing Journal and is appropriate for subject Nursing Leadership    Demonstrates most to all expected elements.    Demonstrates many expected elements.      Demonstrates some expected elements.      Demonstrates few expected elements. 
Content   40        Main findings of the article are summarized.The summary of the article is professional.The description of the article is clear.Results are clearly stated.Demonstrates most to all expected elements.      Demonstrates many expected elements.      Demonstrates some expected elements.    Demonstrates few expected elements.         
Conclusion   7.5  Effectively summarizes main points of paper and formally ends the assignment.    Demonstrates most to all expected elements.      Demonstrates many expected elements.      Demonstrates some expected elements.        Demonstrates few expected elements.         
Writing Style   10APA References, Citations, Format   Paper adheres to APA style; *Citations follow APA guidelines (page #’s author is cited properly, etc.); *Reference page correctly done; *All paragraphs, line spacing, and margins correct; *Format: APA (no cover page needed)       Demonstrates most to all expected elements.      Demonstrates many expected elements.      Demonstrates some expected elements.      Demonstrates few expected elements.         
Grammar, Spelling, Punctuation    10*Information organized, with well-constructed paragraphs; *Correct grammar throughout paper; *No fragmented sentences; *No incorrect punctuations or misspellings Demonstrates most to all expected elements.        Demonstrates many expected elements.      Demonstrates some expected elements.    Demonstrates few expected elements.         
  Total 75          

For APA resources and guidance, please visit the Davenport University Library APA resource pages:

Tips for Writing:

Grammar and Mechanics for ESL:

For anyone needing assistance or guidance with writing in addition to APA may contact the Library directly.

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