Students will describe the specific needs of the child and the family and conduct research. Specific observational and screening tools which should be used to support further observations will be identified. Students will identify specific environmental adaptations that would best support the child and family.

Child who is 2/3 years old and has a G tube. Childs family is new in Canada and needs assistance to move forward in this situation. He is in toddler/ pre-school environment.  

  • What specific observational and screening tools which should be used for further observations
  • Further questions that the educator may have about G-TUBE child, and strategies identified to answer these questions.

  • Strong connections made to observational / screening tools that can be used to gather further observations.

  • Identify the appropriate learning environments for the child

  • The use of the IPP (Individualized Program Plans) or IEP (Individualized Education Programs) to support the child.
  • What are the environmental adaptations specifically needed to support the child and family

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