Part 1: Creating a Research Question

  1. Describe how your assumptions, beliefs, and values influenced your choice of topic.
  2. [Insert response here.]
  3. Discuss the significance of your historical research question in relation to your current event.
  4. [Insert response here.]
  5. Explain how you used sources to finalize your research question.
  6. [Insert response here.]

Part 2: Building Context to Address Questions

  1. Describe the context of your historical event that influenced your current event.
  2. [Insert response here.]
  3. Describe a historical figure or group’s participation in your historical event.
  4. [Insert response here.]
  5. Explain the historical figure or group’s motivation to participate in your historical event.
  6. [Insert response here.]

Part 3: Examining How Bias Impacts Narrative

  1. Describe a narrative you identified while researching the history of your historical event.
  2. [Insert response here.]
  3. Articulate how biased perspectives presented in primary and secondary sources influence what is known or unknown about history.
  4. [Insert response here.]
  5. Identify the perspectives that you think are missing from your historical event’s narrative.

Part 4: Connecting the Past With the Present

  1. Explain how researching its historical roots helped improve your understanding of your current event.
  2. [Insert response here.]
  3. Articulate how questioning your assumptions, beliefs, and values may benefit you as an individual.
  4. [Insert response here.]
  5. Discuss how being a more historically informed citizen may help you understand contemporary issues.
  6. [Insert response here.]

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