Question 1
Choose one of the following questions and write a detailed, complete, correct essay in response. The answer will be between 7-9 pages, double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font.
Proper APA internal citations and reference page.
Question Option #1:
The mass incarceration of drug offenders is said to have epitomized the application of disparate treatment for people of color. Explain how the “War on Drugs” only exasperated the problems within the inner city and by extension rural communities.
Consider the following in your answer:
Most recently, drug offense arrests and prosecutions continue to increase within one very specific drug type. What are the characteristics of those offenders and what explains the response of the criminal justice system?
Question Option #2:
Explain how the structure, administration, and practical reality of prisons foster a system wherein a disparate outcome and cycle of recidivism is most likely to occur. How does criminal justice policy, focused on incarceration, facilitate discriminatory outcomes at a racial and gender level?
Consider the following in your answer:
What is the alternative to prisons that we should use and what must be done at the level to see success?
Question Option #3:
If victimization and poverty are said to facilitate in delinquency and subsequent criminality. What explanations can you offer that explain the disparate crime rates involving young black males in comparison to other racial categories of offenders?
Consider the following in your answer:
African American Youth
51.2% of arrests for violent Index Crimes
58% of arrests for homicide
67.3%% of arrests for robbery
33.2% of arrests for serious property crime
Overrepresented among arrestees for a number of less serious offenses, including gambling (92.7 percent), prostitution (58.4 percent), offenses involving stolen property (43.6 percent), disorderly conduct (41.4 percent), other assaults (39.2 percent), weapons offenses (33.2 percent), fraud (36.0 percent), embezzlement (33.3 percent), and drug abuse violations (25.6 percent).
Question Option #4:
Throughout the course, you have been exposed to female victimization and crime rates. Most famously, Campbell (1993) offered that the criminal justice system has simply criminalized the resistance strategies that females have utilized to escape victimization. Most recently, Chesney-Lind (2002) offered that what has occurred historically is a criminalization of victimization. Indicate if you agree with the explanation offered for much of female delinquency and criminality and offer specific examples to justify your response.